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2009-03-10 EA IP Advisory Group Call Agenda

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TSC EA IP Advisory Group

Tuesday, March 210 2009 at 3 PM EST (US Eastern Time, GMT -5)
To participate, dial 770-657-9270 and enter pass code 124466#
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GoToMeeting ID: 563-682-304

back to EA IP Meeting Agenda and Minutes


  • Meeting Goal: To assess Alpha Project engagement approach
  1. Introductions
    • John Moehrke (
  2. Roll call:
    • Chair: Marc Koehn (
    • HQ: Lynn Laakso - scribe (
    • Ed Tripp (
    • Galen Mulrooney (
    • Igor Sirkovich (
    • Jim McCain (
    • John S. Carter (
    • John Moehrke (
    • Ken Rubin (
    • Lloyd McKenzie (
    • Modibo Samake' (
    • Nancy Orvis (
  3. “Brief” Review of HL7 EA-IP Alpha Project Considerations (DRAFT) Please review prior to call and recap of current Project team activities
  4. Review of Group Purpose / Objectives: To advise and assist in the development of deliverables for the HL7 EA-IP Project (Phase 1)
  5. Brief review of Initial streams ...
    • Decision framework
    • Communication plan
  6. Next steps

“Alpha Project” Criteria:

  1. Schedule fact gathering conference call (2 – 3 hours) to initiate dialog with candidate alpha projects
  2. Proposed agenda and call to action including:
    • Introduction & purpose of call (namely Information exchange and grounding) – 15 minutes
    • SAEAF Overview (ideally through an ArB member) – 30 minutes
    • Alpha Project Synopsis: Each project to give a 15 min. presentation outlining: who the sponsor agency is; the nature of the project; how they hope to leverage the SAEAF; and what their ultimate goals are in participating (e.g. balloting of a particular spec).
    • Next Steps – EA-IP Team to outline anticipated next steps re. Alpha project criteria development and to identify next contact point
  3. Subsequent to the call, Project Team and Advisory Group to determine criteria and terms of engagement in collaboration with the ArB.

Recommended Pre-Reading:

  • SAEAF Document and associated ArB materials (although detailed content knowledge is NOT a pre-requisite): These materials can be accessed at the following URL: [1]
  • DRAFT HL7 EA-IP Phase 1 Summary Deck