NurseGroup:201402 Minutes
Conference call HL7 Nurse Group
Date: October 13 2014
Chair: Pat van Dyk
Minutes: Pat van Dyk
Anneke Goossen
William Goossen
Emma Jones, Allscripts
Laura Heerman Langford
Pat Van Dyke
Topic: what and how to contribute to the Nursing Informatics 2016, NI2016, conference?
Submission of papers: Expected in Spring 2015
Proposal made by William Goossen:
Make a showcase for Interoperability in the Nursing Domain—not medical domain
- Define Use cases---should tie together
- Make a demonstration of the Use Cases during the 2-3 days of the conference
- E.g. transfer from nursing home to Hospital care
- Transfer back to nursing home
- eHealth requirements upon returning to the nursing home
- Care plan – Patient Care HL7/ IHE
Types of Content accepted for the conference:
- Traditional papers: 3-5 pages, research
- Tutorial (half day in the class type setting) ---usually occur before the conference
- Poster (3x5) must adhere to a structured abstract. Tells a story on a board
- Panel: series of presentations that interlink
William suggests having a panel and a connectathon ---that is supported by the panel. Suggested use cases are:
- Domain Analysis Model for pressure ulcers: Good example of an HL7 artifact where nursing has been involved (Matney and the VA)
Do we need papers 1st---to support the panel---that then supports the connectathon? The format from HIMSS could be made available for these events. Also the FHIR connectathons can be an example.
Need a couple of vendors to be involved in the Connectathon. William has discussed this with vendors in the Netherlands (2 already that are willing to demonstrate).
- Hospital in Eindhoven ---cardiac rehabilitation (CHF), Perinatology (mother/child care) and Epilepsy
Do we plan for a WGM in 2015 or a virtual connectathon prior to the meeting? Could we use the Friday connectathon at HL7 to be a foundation for a connectathon at HL7.
HSPC – Health Services Platform Consortium--- New organization in 2015. Look at leveraging services to for interoperability. Is there something on their timeline that may apply? (Intermountain, Harris--??? VA )
What we heard in Taipei – are nurses ready for their supportive role in patients using eHealth.----Should we build on this for 2016? Yes
Autism app— Demographics should be part of the structure: meds, vital sign, psychological factors
William suggests the following name for this work: Integrated Nursing Care Across Boundaries Showcase, INCABS. No decisions yet.
How do we constrain for timing/deliverables?
- Commitment to doing this work: can we make this commitment?
- Laura: start simple -- target 3 examples---
Using FHIR Have one vendor at least commit to being at the showcase.
- Need: Project plan
Each person needs to engage at least one vendor Would be a commitment to travel to Geneva in 2016: committing to their expenses. $10,000 commitment for vendors.
By January WGM:
- Determine whether we can get things together
- Determine if we need to go for a lesser commitment.
- Might look at the HIMSS for nursing showcases-- Joyce Sensmeier would be a place to start.
- Emma – homecare use care---storyboard for this with a lot of nursing intervention; nursing decision--
- IHE – vendors for nursing notes — Triage note
- Workflow in nursing….
Start with a project scope statement (like) document. William will prepare that.
Meet again in 2 weeks. Monday at 1000. October 27th to go over a draft PSS.