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2018-08-01 PA Call Minutes FHIR

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Patient Administration Call

Meeting Information

PA Work Group Conference Call

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Meeting Information

PA Work Group Conference Call

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Date: Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Time: 12:00 PM (US Pacific Time, GMT -7)
Quorum Met (Chair+2, Yes/No)? Yes

Facilitator Brian Postlethwaite Scribe Brian Postlethwaite
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Brian Postlethwaite Telstra Health, AU
X Cooper Thompson Epic, US
X Daniel Chaput ONC, US
X Michelle Miller Cerner, US
X Christi Denney Eli Lilly, US
X Louis Bedor Cognasante
X Riki Merrick Vernetzt
X Simone Heckmann HL7 Germany


Agenda Topics

  1. Ballot update – review key dates, focus on work remaining to be done
  2. Tracker Issues – Focus on remaining ballot issues
  3. Over 92 trackers are in status resolved, change required – help please?!

Supporting Documents


Ballot process key dates:
2018-08-05: Reconciliation packages must be posted by this date at the absolute latest
2018-08-10: All substantive reconciliation applied. FHIR Core is frozen, limited QA process for content subject to ballot only
2018-08-17: Pre-ballot (and connectathon) content freeze. Publication process begins, including ensuring that content is appropriately flagged for ballot status and there are no last minute QA issues
2018-08-24: Ballot opens
2018-09-24: Ballot closes and initial triage occurs. Note: No substantive changes allowed for normative candidates unless they drop to STU.

Ballot Trackers:
ID Summary Resolution Disposition Real Submitter
14512 vhdir-network
(persuasive with mod Dan Chaput/Louis Bedor: 6-0-0

All comments have been addressed in the latest version of the IG, please review the updated guide to ensure you're issues are all addressed.

And the geocoded data on contact address will be removed Persuasive with Mod Michelle Miller
14533 vhdir HealthcareService extensions?
(persuasive with mod Dan Chaput/Louis Bedor: 6-0-0)
Healthcare data is messy and therefore we expect there may be inconsistencies. For example, an organization may no longer accept patients at a location, but a provider at that location may accept a new patient at a referral. Exceptions to stated availability can be described through the newPatientProfile element.
We will provide additional guidance explaining the above, and how the verificationresult will inform how the data was retreived. Persuasive with Mod Michelle Miller

Jan Core (6):
ID Summary Resolution Disposition Real Submitter
14725 Account scope and usage Scope and usage sections have been completed. Persuasive Brett Marquard

17366 Additional RelatedPerson search parameter support The search parameter on relationship will be added as described. Persuasive Martin Broker

14807 Type should go to specialty, not serviceType This mapping is not a part of the R4 release, however the mapping from, DSTU2 to STU3 is correct.
Note: This conversion is correct, there is no specialty on the dstu2 appointment. Not Related Divya Ahuja

14771 How do you link location, healthcare service and availability? Additional guidance will be added explaining this logic in the boundaries and relationships section
Essentially if there are differences in availability for the location, then a separate PractitionerRole instance should be created. Persuasive Julia Skapik

11367 Change description of Coverage (on Account resource) The description of the coverage component will be changed from "The party(s) that are responsible for covering the payment of this account"
to "The party(s), such as insurances, that may contribute to the payment of this account" Persuasive Paul Knapp Block vote on the above Cooper Thompson/Dan Chaput: 7-0-0

14802 There should be some connection between serviceCategory and serviceType
Persuasive Michelle Miller/Daniel Chaput: 6-0-0

14891 Practitioner and Organization definitions should be updated to include Payer/Insurer
Persuasive with Mod Michelle Miller/Daniel Chaput: 7-0-0

17586 Update Patient gender section to remove the word "attempt"
Persuasive Cooper Thompson/Simone Heckmann: 7-0-0

14451 Does not have a clean workflow report (Simon/Iryna, didn’t one of you work on this?)
This was discussed, however are unclear if we have completed the activitity (those on the call and in the tracker notes believe we have, Brian is checking with Lloyd to see if its now a clean report – expecting yes)

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • Next telecom meeting: Tuesday 07. August 2018 c


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