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2015-05-07 HSI Call

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Home Healthcare Standards Integration (HSI)

Meeting Information

HL7 HSI Meeting Minutes

Location: Webex: 921 579 009

Date: 2015-05-07
Time: 12:00 pm CT
Facilitator . Note taker(s) Todd Cooper
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Keith Boone GE
X George Cole Allscripts
X Todd Cooper (co-chair) Center for Medical Interoperability
X John Donnelly (co-chair) JMS Healthcare
X Emma Jones Allscripts
X Dave Pyke Cognaissance Inc
Quorum Requirements Met: yes


Agenda Topics

  1. General HSI Updates
  2. HSI WG Co-Chair Election - Agree Path Forward
  3. Paris Agenda Topics - Final Review
  4. Additional Business

Supporting Documents

  1. (N/A)


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

  1. HSI General Updates
    • Co-chairs prepared and submitted an HSI (Liaison) Board Report that ...
      • Summarized the WGs activities since the initial meeting during the 2014 Chicago WGM, to the January 2015 San Antonio meetings, to follow-on meetings
      • Report covered efforts through 2015.05.01
      • Anticipates the HSI WG's intent to develop a dash board that provides visibility to the items that need to be facilitated & coordinated by the group
    • Regular WG Calls
      • Discussion around what time would work for the group for regular meetings after the Paris WGM
      • Proposed to see if every other Wednesday at noon Pacific - the time that was used during February & March calls - would work
      • ACTION: Todd will propose this to the group; if it doesn't work, then he will initiate a Doodle poll for other times
  2. HSI WG Co-Chair Election
    • The two HSI founding Co-chair interim positions elapse 2015 May
    • Due to a number of factors, there are questions as to how to best address the current WG co-chair election cycle, including ...
      • The WG missed announcing and having anyone submit nominations during the formal nomination period; so there are no formal candidates listed on the ballot
      • Very few absentee ballots and "write in" nominations were made
      • Compared to the HSI participants during the January 2015 WGM in San Antonio (which were around 25-30), few voting participants will be participating in the Paris meetings
        • NOTE: Neither the co-chairs John Donnelly or Todd Cooper will be able to attend, and of those participating in this call, only Keith Boone, George Cole and Emma Jones will be in Paris
    • In consultation with T3SD Co-Chair Freida Hall and HL7 Associate Executive Director Karen Van Hentenryck, it was decided that the HSI WG could decide to either go ahead with a write in ballot during the Paris meetings, or it could extend the terms of the current interim co-chairs to October 2015 so that the WG can more fully participate in the next election cycle.
    • Discussion during this meeting ...
      • No participant had a strong sense for one option over the other
      • All those who are known to have declared interest in nomination for the two open positions were participants on this call, namely David, John, Keith and Todd.
    • Motion by Keith Boone to extend the terms of John Donnelly & Todd Cooper through October 2015 so that the WG can fully participate in the next election cycle.
      • Motion seconded by David Pyke
      • Motion carried unanimously
  3. Paris Agenda Topics
    • High-level discussion about the Paris meetings
    • Confirmed that in addition to the joint session with FHIR (Thursday Q3) the Q4 discussion should focus on reviewing and updating the "dash board" table that was discussed during the 2015 January San Antonio meetings as a tool that can be used to provide visibility on the standards integration items that the group is addressing as well as the facilitation / coordination activities that it is pursuing
    • During the IHE ITI meetings last week, another coordination topic between PCC & HL7 was identified ... John Donnelly will ensure that this is added to the agenda
    • NOTE: Laura Heerman-Langford will ultimately update the Paris Thursday afternoon agenda based on the discussions to date.
  4. Adjourn 12:45pm central time

Meeting Outcomes

  • (John Donnelly) Coordinate with Chris Carr re. "dash board" doc that was discussed in January in San Antonio
  • (Todd Cooper) Coordinate with Laura Heerman-Langford (HSI Co-Chair who will be in Paris) regarding agenda
  • (Todd Cooper) Contact HL7 staff to get a listing of current HSI "members" and identify the number of "voting members"
  • (Todd Cooper) Poll the HSI WG to see if regularly scheduled calls every other Wednesday @ 12:00 Pacific works well for members going forward
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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