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20150331 US Realm TF Call

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US Realm Task Force Call Agenda/Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#

Date: 2015-03-31
Time: 1 PM Eastern
Facilitator Ed/Ken Note taker(s) Anne
Attendee / Name
x Calvin Beebe Woody Beeler Keith Boone
Joe Bormel Lorraine Constable Johnathan Coleman
Julie Crouse John Feikema
x Ed Hammond x Tony Julian x Paul Knapp
x Austin Kreisler Lynn Laakso Ken McCaslin
John Quinn David Susanto Pat VanDyke
Visitor / Name
x John Loonsk, PHER John Roberts, DESD
no quorum definition




  • Call began at 1:05
  • No additions to the agenda
  • Project Approval for Public Health Case Report Update – John Loonsk here to discuss. He describes the scope and purpose of the project. Two step process: first step sends initial core message from an EHR to public health, and 2) public health can request additional information through a process like structured data capture. Case reporting is in the NPRM for meaningful use stage 3 and in the ONC’s certification rule. This project is to help develop an implementation guide for the C-CDA core initial message. Austin expressed questions/concerns around the project coming in late in the stage 3 process, considering that everything else has been in progress for months or years. John L. states that there is no structured data capture standard for case reporting referenced in NPRM. This project is to develop a tight core IG that is public health friendly that EHRs can do readily. Relative to timing, he feels they are well positioned to produce this quickly. Austin wonders why we’re not looking to FHIR for this. Ed wonders if the data elements are straightforward; John responds affirmative. John reports they are open to FHIR but this is a pressing short term need and FHIR is not fully sanctioned for this activity at this point.
    • MOTION:Calvin moves to approve the PSS. Paul seconds.
    • VOTE: None opposed. None abstained. Approved by all.
  • PSS for HL7 CDA IG for National Health Care Surveys: DOT release update.
    • MOTION: Austin moves to approve; Calvin seconds.
    • VOTE: None opposed or abstained. Approved by all.