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AID 201505 Meeting in Paris

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This is the agenda of the AID HL7 'user group' for the WGM in Paris (May 2015)

Sunday Q3/Q4 (hosting FHIR)

  1. Administrative
    • Call to order
  2. Use of the FHIR Terminology Resources, building FHIR in XQuery in eXist-db (Alexander Henket, Nictiz, NL)
    • Nictiz has developed a tool (kind of a terminology server) based on the FHIR Terminology resources. Alexander will discuss its architecture.
  3. Experiences with Rails/Ruby for FHIR interface development and profile validation (Andy Stechishin, CA)
    • Andy: I am working on some things that I hope to open source in the Paris timeframe. One of them is a Rails generator for FHIR interfaces (not persistence), another is some Ruby classes to process FHIR profiles. Definition of the deserialization is currently partly manual with an underlying framework to support core datatypes. This means that I am manually interpreting the resource metadata to produce code but I do not think it is a very large step to programmatic consumption of metadata and generation of the object definitions for serialization/deserialization.
  4. FHIR Profile based web form generation using XForms, exist-DB and a CTS2 based Terminology Service (Ben Kraufmann, Fraunhofer FOKUS, DE)
    • Fraunhofer FOKUS has developed a concept for the German Electronic Notification System for Infection Protection that is partially based on FHIR.
  5. This session is reserved for presentations related to FHIR implementation experiences - additional talks are expected to be held by attendees of the FHIR connectathon.

Monday Q3

  1. Administrative
    • Approval of the minutes of the January WGM in San Antonio, vailable at AID 201501 Minutes.
    • Review of the informal minutes of the February out-of-cycle meeting held in Prague, available at AID 201502 Agenda.
  2. Approval of the updated Software Implementation of CDA whitepaper
  3. Other presentations

Wednesday Q4

  1. Whitepaper review: List of AID Whitepapers

Wednesday Q6 (hosted by EST)

  • Tooling demo, 7-9 pm
  • See agenda of EST for details.