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October 15, 2014 Education Telecon

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Revision as of 06:56, 14 October 2014 by Rene spronk (talk | contribs) (→‎AOB)
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  • Melva Peters (Chair) - HL7 Canada

Meeting Agenda/Minutes

HL7 Learning Partner Proposal

  • Waiting for proposal from Rene Spronk.
  • Rene (Sept. 30) draft ready, pending review by potential educational partners. Will be submitted to Education after final tweaks.
  • October 1: no discussion - waiting for proposal from Rene


  • SAIF Webinar
    • will be recorded at the WGM
    • Feb 5, 2014: Ron's day job interfered with his available time to record. He is looking to reschedule but no word yet.
    • May 21, 2014: Ron still has not had the time to engage the SAIF Webinar
    • June 4: No updates since last conference call, Melva will continue to follow up
    • October 1, 2014: No update
Action item: Melva follow up with Lorraine again about SAIF Webinar

Tutorial Planning

  • Core tutorials on HL7 Standards, and have specialized tutorials alternated between WGM
  • Start with the January WGM tutorials
  • Rene Spronk has some draft stats on Education events that will be discussed in Chicago
  • Continue discussion of stats that would be useful
    • Education Offering Dashboard
    • Rene has created the statistics wiki page.
    • Number that Rene has on the wiki is not consistent to the actual numbers
Action: Education WG Members to review Wiki page for next teleconference

Discussion of Certification Exams and Ed Summits

  • v2 Workshop Project - no discussion
    • Patrick will join an Education teleconference to discuss further
    • October 1, 2014 - no discussion as Patrick not on call
Action item: Melva will follow up with Patrick on this project

Updates to the Certification exams

  • Sharon has analyzed the certifications and will need to possibly revise the questions.
    • Sharon would like to create a taskforce to review the questions on the exams.
      • Qualifications needed to be on the taskforce:
        • The group will be comprised of volunteers from the tutorial speaker pool to review the certification exam
        • Must have attended/audit the actual tutorial
        • Must be approved by the Education Committee
    • Sharon is working on an outline for a plan and guidelines for updates to existing and also for developing FHIR into a Certification Exam
    • Will bring back more information after meeting with Melva, Sharon and Mary Ann in August
    • Discussion of planning item back writing session during January 2015 WGM
      • Difficult to pull in the resourses (SME) to find time to collaborate and focus on questions during WGM.
Action: Sharon has drafted the process and will continue to work on the planning of a group to review the material.
Action: Sharon will send new draft to the listserv.

MLM Certification

  • Suggestion from Virginia for a certification test for "Medical Logic Modules"====
    • Its very stable, self-contained, and people are hired as MLM developers. Several large EHR vendors use MLM as the way of programming custom CDS into their systems. We use it at NYP. A certification in this might look good on a resume
    • Discussion: need more details and consider how it fits with Arden Syntax WG

Webinar Planning for 2015

  • Discussion of proposed webinar topics for 2015
    • Melva has sent out an email to the list
    • Sharon has received a comment request for FHIR tutorials
    • Melva created a wiki page for Webinars topics and would like ideas for next year.
    • Karen comments based on case studies as topics
    • Sharon needs items/brainstorming on ideas.
  • Creation of policy webinars in development for 2015
    • Possibly having case studies
    • Implementation case studies
      • Taking this to the Co-chairs for feedback and looking for ideas
Action: Melva will send an email to the Co-chairs for case studies and Sharon will include article/request in HL7 eNews
Action item: Sharon will ask International Council for webinar ideas
Action item: Melanie will reach out to the affiliates as well to determine if they might be willing to advertise webinars

Current resources and reading material

  • Will look at the list to determine how we can use it
    • Ken is still working on a the list. As soon as it is completed, we will place it as an agenda item.
    • Still compiling list but researching a possible open source library software called Koha.
    • Ken Chen is still working on the resource list. Koha software has become an option with the latest version.
Action: Ken will create the PSS for this resource list and present it to the WG

Transformation of Education WG

  • Continue discussion of how we can transform Education WG


  • HL7 Education Offering Dashboard. This was an action item allocated to me during the WGM in Chicago. The usefulness of the various metrics probably merits additional discussion. Once there is agreement on a 'starter set of metrics' we'll have to create a mechanism to actually get hold of them. Rene spronk (talk) 06:56, 14 October 2014 (UTC)

Next meeting

  • Next meeting - October 29, 2014 at 11 am Eastern