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AID 201409 Agenda

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This is the agenda of the AID 'user group' meeting in Chicago (Sept. 2014)

Sunday Q3/Q4

  • FHIR implementation best practices session

Monday Q3

  1. Administrative agenda items
    • Announcements
    • Rene: in July we held an e-mail vote for the FTSD co-chair
      • MOTION (on July 1st) by Andy Stechishin, seconded by Howard Edidin: I MOVE we vote for Paul.
      • Seven votes were recieved by the tally (Rene); the motion was accepted 7-0-0 on July 17th.
    • Approval of the minutes of the Amsterdam out-of-cycle meeting
      • MOTION to approve the minutes of the out-of-cycle meeting held in Amsterdam on June 3rd, 2014, as documented on the AID 201406 Agenda wiki page
    • Discussion of upcoming AID out-of-cycle meetings
      • Rene: I've contacted the organizers of IHIC 15 to arrange for a 'joint' event in Prague next year. The audience and aims of IHIC largely overlap with those of AID - as such this should be of mutual benefit.
      • MOTION To organize an AID out-of-cycle meeting in Prague, Czech Republic, in conjunction with the 15th International HL7 Interoperability Conference (IHIC) held on February 9-11, 2015.
  2. Other topics

Tuesday Q6 (Eelectronic Servives hosts)

  • Hosted by ES (tooling merged with ES), see their agenda for details

Wednesday Q4 (hosting ES

  1. Administrative agenda items
  2. Tooling aspects (joint with ES, max 30 minutes)
    1. Evaluation/promotion of implementation oriented tools (see Tools for RIM based software development, our scope has widened however)
      • Update January 2014: Peter and Andy will work with Rene off-line to improve/edit the Tools for RIM based software development. After the edits have been completed by the smaller group, the updated wiki page will be presented to the wider AID community for ratification at an upcoming meeting
      • Update Sept 2014:
    2. Creating 'implementation packages' of HL7 standard publications, software processable expressions thereof that can be used for source code generation, as well as other related implementation tools and toolkits.
      • AID has passed a motion that states we think the publication (by HL7) of such packages would be a good idea. Whom do we need to convince within the organization, what would it mean in practical terms, to create such packages for e.g. HL7v2, CDA, etc.?
        • Update January 2014: Andy has proposed this concept to the steering division and TSC. Both groups agreed that the idea was worth pursuing. Andy is tasked with creating a PSS for the work, gaining appropriate approval
        • Update Sept. 2014: