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May 21, 2014 Education Telecon
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- Melva Peters (Chair)
- Ken Chen (Scribe)
- SAIF Webinar
- will be recorded at the WGM
- Feb 5, 2014: Ron's day job interfered with his available time to record. He is looking to reschedule but no word yet.
- Lorraine is meeting with Ron as transition on the ARB and will keep it as a follow-up item. To date we do not have a scheduled date to record
Action: Include as regular agenda item Action: Melva to followup with Lorraine Constable at WGM
September 2014 WGM Tutorial Grid
File:Copy of Sept 2014 preliminary tutorial grid.xlsx
Discussion of Certification Exams and Ed Summits
- v2 Workshop Project
- Approved by the TSC
- no work completed. Patrick hopes to get started in next couple of weeks.
- include discussion for Phoenix - include Tooling
Action: Melva to followup with Patrick in Phoenix
- FHIR Workshop Project
- approved by SD, but FMG doesn't think they can sponsor. Patrick to attend FMG Wed afternoon. Will be discussed at TSC on Monday
- FMG feels this project is not needed as Lloyd has developed a workshop that is being given at the Implementation Workshops.
- It was moved by Rob Savage - seconded by Ken to close this project. (4/0/0) - Carried
Action: Melva will close the project via the PMO
Phoenix WGM Planning
- Review Agenda for Education Facilitators Lunch
Action: Melva to followup with Mary Ann about September 2014 Tutorial Grid
- Review Draft agenda
Current resources and reading material
- Will look at the list to determine how we can use it
Action: Ken will compile a list Action: Include as an agenda item when Ken is finished
- HL7 Implementation and Meaningful Use
- Education for implementers - schedule a discussion for Thursday Q1 or Q2
Next meeting
- Next meeting - May 21, 2014 at 11am Eastern