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Tooling WGM 2014 May

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Tooling WG Agenda for the May 2014 WGM in Phoeniz, AZ USA

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Day Date Time   Room Event Host joining Chair Scribe Notes
Monday May 5 AM Q1        
PM Q3    
Q4 )  
Day Date Time   Room Event Host joining Chair Scribe Notes
Tuesday May 6 AM Q1 Room TBD Cancelled
Introduction to Tooling Work Group - Processes, Projects & Collaborations
See our morning slides
Tooling   (cancelled)
Q2 Guest Room 1302 Project updates: MAX, EHRS-FM Profile Designer, Tooling Strategy Discussion, MWB update;
V3 Generator, Migration Planning, HingX Participation, Tooling Challenge, tactical planning
3-yr plan review: SMD
Tooling   Woody Lynn  
PM Q3 Navajo (Hohokam Ballroom) Hosted by Structured Docs (need to confirm) ITS, MnM, Tooling (?), V3 Publishing    
7-9PM Room Navajo (Hohokam Ballroom) Tuesday Tooling Night ( details) AID Tooling ??    
Day Date Time   Room Event Host joining Chair Scribe Notes
Wednesday May 7 AM Q1              
PM Q3  
Day Date Time   Room Event Host joining Chair Scribe Notes
Thursday May 8 AM Q1 Room TBD Cancelled Tooling - Lynn
Q2 Guest Room 1302 Update from liaisons to other WG Tooling Tooling liaisons Woody Lynn  
PM Q3 Room TBD Tools for development AID Tooling AID    
Day Date Time   Room Event Host joining Chair Scribe Notes
Friday May 9 AM Q1 Hopi (Hohokam Ballroom) Joining Templates Templates Tooling, Patient Care, Structured Docs     TBD
PM Q3              

Tooling Meeting

HL7 Tooling Meeting Agenda/Minutes
Location: Guest Room 1302 Date: 2014-05-06
Time: 11AM Local
Facilitator: Woody Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso
Attendee Name, Affiliation
x Woody Beeler, interim Vocabulary liaison
x David Booth, HRG
regrets Dennis Cheung, co-chair, CIHI
x Lynn Laakso, HL7 HQ Tooling Support
x John Quinn, CTO
regrets Andy Stechishin, Co-chair
regrets Michael van der Zel, co-chair
Quorum Requirements Met (co-chair plus 3 counting staff): (No)


Agenda Topics

  • Roll Call & Agenda Review
  • Project updates: MAX, EHRS-FM Profile Designer, Tooling Strategy Discussion, MWB update;
    V3 Generator, Migration Planning, HingX Participation, Tooling Challenge, tactical planning
    3-yr plan review: SMD
  • Woody can offer an update on MWB but without quorum
  • David notes he is working on DOD DHA project migrating from CHCS. He has background in semantic web, RDF and ontologies in interoperability. Interested in what is in use. He receives CHCS data in RDF; not using an HL7 transport.
    • Woody describes the Tooling WGs mission in assisting the development of standards themselves. There is also a listserver for tools in the commercial space.
    • David asks about validators and reference implementations. The only reference implementations so far are FHIR. The conformance testing effort is being run through HQ, not the Tooling WG. The issue is that the development of a standard is typically left broad, allowing for constraint by IG to the level needed for meaningful conformance.
    • Conformance testing is of significant interest but no funding is available. David notes that the W3C requires a specification have at least two reference implementations. Woody recounts the HL7 DSTU process which requires similar implementation experience.
  • HingX - no update
  • Other projects have no update. SMD appears to be dead in the water. No NHS activity beyond the version provided earlier that has a design flaw rendering it unusable, predicating a complete rebuild of the tool with each release of the RIM. Tooling WG needs to come up with strategies to continue working with static models and accept the risk if it fails.
  • Other formal funding requests might be submitted with available Tooling budget
  • V3 Generator this cycle have made the core schemas able to be dependent on the vocabulary content from harmonization instead of hard-coded value sets. Also working with Gunther on Schema generator to use Datatypes R2B. Base schemas corrected to change an erroneous schematron statement. In summary, the old generator has been updated as best as possible. The Canadian generator adaptation has not been updated for a year.
  • JohnQ joins
  • V3 Canadian Generator worked on initially by JohnK, Lloyd and sometimes Jean and is not formally supported. Some of the formal transforms that Jean worked on were rolled into the 'old' generator.
  • Lynn would like to review budget with JOhnQ
  • Woody notes another project we don't even have in the list is that on glossary tooling. Someone needs to scan extant glossaries to restructure glossary to set the definition for a glossary term should be a clause that when substituted in a sentence does not change the meaning of the sentence. Vocabulary vs information modeling can be hierarchically refined. We have also not been submitting updates to the SKMT.
  • Woody reports that MWB has been proposed to be migrated to .NET. Structurally they are compatible as the guy who designed Delphi also designed .NET. Matt Graham is currently supporting the Delphi MWB. Rob Snelick told Lynn they have an alpha version of a Java based MWB.
  • The conformance testing project is overseen the work by Dave Hamill at HQ and John Quinn, not part of the Tooling budget and not assigned to a Work Group. JohnQ notes that IHE just announced their conformance initiatives on their IHE profiles.
  • Review projects:
    Tooling-sponsored Projects
  • Other/New Business

Supporting Documents


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

  1. Adjourned <hh:mm am/pm> <timezone>.

Meeting Outcomes

  • .
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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