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20140124 FMG WGM

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HL7 TSC FMG Meeting Minutes

Location: Frio

Date: 2014-01-24
Time: 09:00 PM U.S. Eastern
Chair: Lloyd Note taker(s): Hugh
Quorum = chair + 4 yes
Co chairs x Hugh Glover x Lloyd McKenzie
ex-officio . Ron Parker, FGB Chair . John Quinn, CTO
Members Members Members Observers/Guests
X Lorraine Constable attending by Skype Paul Knapp attending by Skype John Moehrke x Lynn Laakso, scribe
regrets David Hay x Josh Mandel x Brian Pech Ken McCaslin
x Woody Beeler


  • Roll Call
  • Agenda Check
    • Publication request
    • Information from implementers
    • Liaisons
    • Profiles
    • Tooling
    • Membership of Groups
    • Update PSSs & Profiles
    • Next Meeting


Publication Request Motion to approve Publication Requst Proposed Loraine, Hugh, 6,0,0

Getting ingformation from implementers Send to Lynn? Lloyd prefers eMail 'cos its eaasier Endless Survey Monkey is a better plan. Ewout will draft something for call on Wednesday Update ReaadMe to ask peeople to register

Liasions Child Heath - Josh/ CQI - Paul/Loraine Tooling - Paul/Lloyd - Lloyd will do more than he has done

Profiles Tool availabel soon when testing is done, and Ewout will arrange presentation to FMG for Feb 5th

Tooling Gforge Tracker Lloyd is making sure there is only one to connect to

Oid Registry Cecil is going to do an update Lloyd will progress and report next FMG

Web site status Need development and connectathon sites. Mike is working with Grahame to get this working.

Membership of Groups eMail to steering divisions to solicit candidates Use eMail from last time - add note that involvement with fhir or active engagement with a work group or FHIR Also solicit for FGB - Hugh to do 2 weeks close Monday 10th - ask for eMail outlining reason why they are a good candidate

Update PSS's Liasons to remind groups to update

Profiles Would be nice to have proposals for profiles reviewed by FMG Published as part of standard or as separate document Hugh will look to document and will also review resource proposals

Meeting plans for next time Lunch Sunday and Monday and Q1 Friday

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