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20131218 US Realm TF Call

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US Realm Task Force Call Agenda/Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#

Date: 2013-12-18
Time: 5 pm Eastern Standard Time
Facilitator Ken McCaslin Note taker(s) Lynn
Attendee Name
Calvin Beebe
x Woody Beeler
Joe Bormel
x Keith Boone
x Julie Crouse
x Lorraine Constable
John Feikema
x Marc Hadley
x Crystal Kallem, Lantana
x Kensaku Kawamoto
x Paul Knapp
regrets Austin Kreisler,
x Lynn Laakso
x Ken McCaslin
John Quinn
Pat Van Dyke
no quorum definition




  • Status reports:
    • CDS vMR
    • ArB QIDAM - Austin reports: "The ArB did meet to discuss the QIDAM last evening. I believe my concern (minor)along with the ArB concerns were addressed during that call. Pretty clearly the QIDAM stayed within the confines of a conceptual model."
  • Inventory of note:
  • Review of any outstanding issues
    • Source of truth for value sets


Convened at 5:02 PM

  • Agenda review
  • Action Items
    • PSS on Standards 101 for ONC Contractors (Keith) He has not been on the Education call due to scheduling conflicts. They are looking for someone to contribute that content. He thinks it will more likely get attention at the WGM rather than on a call.
  • Review notes from 20131211_US_Realm_TF_Call approved by general consent


  • Status reports:
    • CDS vMR - KenK reports
      • HeD specs are logical model, approved for moving forward by ArB. They will submit September content for publication. XML Specification: CDS and ITS have approved material to submit for ballot. Templates: Templates and CDS WG are prepared to submit DSTU ballot. DSS: DSTU affirmative reconciliation comments being incorporated and readied for publication. Knowledge Artifact IG from 2013Jan will be submitted for DSTU publication shortly. They believe they will make all their dates.
      • He is instructed to upload the document to the HL7 WG web page under documents and mark it members-only instead of using an external repository.
      • Lorraine asks about coordination with the Tacoma (QIDAM) project, will we have an update at the WGM? KenK affirms.
    • ArB QIDAM - Austin reports: "The ArB did meet to discuss the QIDAM last evening. I believe my concern (minor) along with the ArB concerns were addressed during that call. Pretty clearly the QIDAM stayed within the confines of a conceptual model."
      • Lorraine notes they walked through the content and all were pleased with the model keeping with the conceptual level. One change in document to remove presuppositions on FHIR and V3 "fit" was made.
  • Inventory of note:
    • HQMF Project ID 508 Health Quality Measure Format (HQMF) Specification, Release 2.x scope statement update
      • Marc reviews the updates to the HQMF R2 PSS. Changes are prefixed by "Update 12.03.2013". They intend to make HQMF a more modular framework with metadata, expression logic and data model become modules in the framework.
      • They have an aggressive timeline for OOC ballot in February to implement MU3 measures as well as the downstream tooling. Keith notes that the MU3 deadlines were pushed off a year into 2017. Julie adds that the tools that need to be updated to accommodate the measures in the tools in advance of the issuance of the NPRM or final rule. They have worked with EHRA to assess estimates for vendors to make the updates which lengthens the lead time.
      • Crystal reports they will send it to the DESD cochairs on Friday after the CQI WG takes their vote, and then Melva will circulate for e-vote. Hopefully TSC can respond by Jan 6th.
      • Paul adds that ITS WG expects to vote to join as co-sponsor prior to the 6th.
    • CQI Project ID 1045 Harmonization of Health Quality Information Models - aka QIDAM is expected to open on the 20th and ArB approved (see above).
  • Review of any outstanding issues
    • Source of truth for value sets - where to go for a formal definition of the value set. Will an IG or the VSAC be the source of truth, for example. This is an agenda item for San Antonio. There are questions in the governance machinery for the HL7 Terminology Authority. We don't know when Vocabulary will be addressing this and they have not published an agenda yet. Julie notes that the URTF recognized they should do some targeted outreach and schedule a time. KenM will send a note to Ted, Rob and Heather to check on this and let the group know by email.
  • no meeting the next two weeks, next call on Jan 8th.

Adjourned 5:32 PM

Meeting Outcomes

  • KenM will send a note to Ted, Rob and Heather to check on source of truth for value sets status and meeting schedule and let the group know by email
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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