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ITS Concall Minutes 20131217
Revision as of 20:47, 17 December 2013 by Astechishin (talk | contribs)
Return to: ITS Main Page > ITS Meeting Minutes > 2013
ITS Teleconference - December 17, 2013
Present: Paul Knapp (PK), Andy Stechishin (AS), Dale Nelson (DN), Brian Pech (BP), Ken Kawamoto (KK), Claude Nanjo (CN)
Quorum met: Yes
Chair: DN
Scribe: AS
- Role call and agenda
- vMR/XML Ballot Document Review
- Approve Minutes of previous meetings August 13, August 27, September 3, September 10, October 15, October 24, November 12, and December 10
- Action Item Update
- Web Services
- Last action: Vote to determine project continuance
- Update RIM Serialization for Publishing
- AS will target for completion for Sept 2013 WGM
- Update WFC ITS for Publishing
- PK will target for completion for Sept 2013 WGM
- Review of Product Briefs
- Schedule on agenda of Sept 2013 WGM
- HL7 over HTTP
- Web Services
- Next Meeting
- Adjourn
Called to order at 2:05 pm Eastern
vMR/XML Ballot Document Review
- KK introduced the specification that was sent to the list on Monday, Dec 16 for review by ITS
- CN gave a brief walkthrough of the ballot document
- Motion: Approve the vMR/XML document as sent to the list with identified changes for DSTU ballot KK/AS unanimous
- At this point KK and CN left the call
Approve Minutes of Previous Calls
Motion: Approve December 10 minutes AS/DN unanimous
RIM ITS from AID WorkGroup
PK indicated that he did not have a schema for RIM ITS. There was a discussion on what the schema would look like but it was clear that there were no schemas currently. PK would review the spec to determine how a schema would be constructed.
R2B Ballot Reconciliation Updates
Motion: Request a 1 cycle extension for applying the reconciliation updates to the WFC ITS specification AS/DN unanimous
Next Meeting
- Meeting on December 24th and 31st
- Cancel both 24th and 31st
- Add future agenda for project 301
Meeting adjourned at 2:45 pm Eastern