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20131009 US Realm TF Call

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US Realm Task Force Call Agenda/Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#

Date: 2013-10-09
Time: 5 pm Eastern Time
Facilitator Austin Note taker(s) Lynn
Attendee Name

x Calvin Beebe
x Woody Beeler
x Keith Boone
x Lorraine Constable
John Feikema
x Tony Julian
x Kensaku Kawamoto
x Paul Knapp
x Austin Kreisler,
x Lynn Laakso
x Ken McCaslin
Ron Parker
Brian Pech
John Quinn
no quorum definition


  • Administrivia
  • Impact of US Gov shutdown on HL7 US Realm Projects
  • Status of formation of content review team in ArB
    • Content review team will be formed ad-hoc calling on the members whose expertise falls within the scope of the document being reviewed. (Tony)
    • TSC has asked Steering Divisions to refer PSS that are initiated with > 50% of the work already done to the ArB, as well as those generated from outside HL7.
  • vMR
  • SDC
  • DAF
  • Clinical Note Attachments
  • Inventory of note:
    • HL7 Version 2.5.1 Implementation Guide: Birth & Fetal Death Reporting, R1, US Realm”,
    • “White Paper: A Framework for Standards to Report Quality Measures”,
    • Meaningful Use EHR System Functional Profile (of HL7/ISO 10781 EHR System Functional Model Release 2
  • Review of any outstanding issues
    • "HL7 101 for ONC Contractors" educational resource would be good.
  • (Updates, e.g. the current status of the ballot going out and entertain any questions to support the vMR team if needed.

Inventory as of 2013Sep

Number Project Name- Sponsor(s) Status TSC Approval Date Type Next Milestone Date
1039 White Paper: A Framework for Standards to Report Quality Measures Clinical Quality Information Work Group Active Project (Resources assigned to pjt) Ballot - Comment Only 2014 Jan WGM/Ballot
1008 Meaningful Use EHR System Functional Profile (of EHR System Functional Model Release 2) Electronic Health Records Work Group Active Project (Resources assigned to pjt) Ballot - Informative 2013 Sept WGM/Ballot
694 EDIS - Emergency Department Information System Functional Profile Version 2.0 Emergency Care Work Group Active Project (Resources assigned to pjt) Ballot - Normative (no DSTU) 2013 Sept WGM/Ballot
928 Diagnosis implementation guide Patient Care Work Group Active Project (Resources assigned to pjt) Ballot - DSTU to Normative 2013 Jan WGM/Ballot
1035 Develop Process to Manage and Coordinate US Realm Based projects Technical Steering Committee Active Project (Resources assigned to pjt) Ballot - Comment Only 2013 Sept WGM/Ballot
1030 Virtual Medical Record for Clinical Decision Support (vMR-CDS) Templates, Release 1 Clinical Decision Support Work Group DSTU - Balloting 8/26/2013 Ballot - Informative 2013 Sept WGM/Ballot
1018 Decision Support Service Implementation Guide Clinical Decision Support Work Group DSTU - Balloting 8/26/2013 Ballot - DSTU to Normative 2013 Sept WGM/Ballot
1016 Virtual Medical Record for Clinical Decision Support (vMR-CDS) XML Implementation Guide, Release 1 Clinical Decision Support Work Group DSTU - Balloting 8/26/2013 Ballot - Informative 2013 Sept WGM/Ballot
1014 Consolidated CDA DSTU 2013 Update Structured Documents Work Group Active Project (Resources assigned to pjt) 6/24/2013 Ballot - DSTU to Normative 2013 Sept WGM/Ballot
1005 CDA Section for Digital Signatures and Delegation of Rights Structured Documents Work Group DSTU - Balloting 6/24/2013 Ballot - DSTU to Normative 2013 Sept WGM/Ballot
1003 HL7 Implementation Guide for CDA® Release 2: Healthcare Associated Infection Reports, Normative Release 2 Structured Documents Work Group DSTU - Balloting 6/24/2013 Ballot - DSTU to Normative 2013 Sept WGM/Ballot
1006 HL7 Data Segmentation for Privacy (DS4P) Implementation Guide Security Work Group Normative - Balloting 6/3/2013 Ballot - Normative (no DSTU) 2013 Sept WGM/Ballot
1001 Trauma Registry Data Submission CDA Clinical Interoperability Council Work Group DSTU - Balloting 5/28/2013 Ballot - DSTU to Normative 2013 Sept WGM/Ballot
1002 HL7 CDA Implementation Guide for National Medical Care Surveys Public Health and Emergency Response Work Group Active Project (Resources assigned to pjt) 5/28/2013 Ballot - DSTU to Normative 2013 Sept WGM/Ballot
721 Annotated ECG Release 2 Regulated Clinical Research Information Management Work Group Active Project (Resources assigned to pjt) 5/20/2013 Ballot - DSTU to Normative 2013 Sept WGM/Ballot
997 Implementation Guidance on HL7 / S&I Framework Transitions of Care Companion Guide to Consolidated CDA for Meaningful Use Stage 2 Structured Documents Work Group Informative - Balloting 4/29/2013 Ballot - Informative 2013 Sept WGM/Ballot
982 HL7 EHR-S Public Health Functional Profile Release 2 Electronic Health Records Work Group Active Project (Resources assigned to pjt) 2/25/2013 Ballot - Informative 2013 Sept WGM/Ballot
737 HL7 Version 2.5.1 Implementation Guide: Electronic Laboratory Reporting to Public Health, Release 2 (US Realm) Public Health and Emergency Response Work Group DSTU - Reconcile 2/25/2013 Ballot - DSTU to Normative 2013 Sept WGM/Ballot
969 CDA Implementation Guide for HIV/AIDS data set report Structured Documents Work Group Informative - Reconcile 2/25/2013 Ballot - Informative 2013 Sept WGM/Ballot
921 Clinical Oncology Data Standards Structured Documents Work Group DSTU - Reconcile 10/29/2012 2013 Sept WGM/Ballot
896 HL7/S&I Framework QRDA II/III Draft Standard for Trial Use, Release 3 Structured Documents Work Group Active Project (Resources assigned to pjt) 7/2/2012 Ballot - Informative 2012 Sept WGM/Ballot
756 Health Quality Measure Format (HQMF) Implementation Guide Structured Documents Work Group DSTU - Request Publication 7/2/2012 Ballot - DSTU 2013 Sept WGM/Ballot
728 HL7/IHE Health Story Implementation Guide Consolidation Structured Documents Work Group DSTU - Test Period/Accepting Comments 7/2/2012 Ballot - DSTU to Normative 2015 May WGM/Ballot
210 QRDA Draft Standard for Trial Use, Release 3 Structured Documents Work Group DSTU - Test Period/Accepting Comments 7/2/2012 Ballot - DSTU to Normative 2015 Jan WGM/Ballot
842 Medication Therapy Management(MTM)Templated CDA Pharmacy Work Group Informative - Balloting 6/25/2012 Ballot - Informative 2013 Sept WGM/Ballot
866 Healthcare Associated Infection Reports, Release 8 an Implementation Guide for CDA R2 at Level 3 Structured Documents Work Group DSTU - Test Period/Accepting Comments 3/12/2012 Ballot - DSTU 2015 Jan WGM/Ballot
860 V3 CDA IG: Reporting Birth and Fetal Death Info from the EHR to Vital Records, R1 (US Realm). Public Health and Emergency Response Work Group DSTU - Reconcile 2/20/2012 Ballot - DSTU 2013 Jan WGM/Ballot
859 HL7 V3 CDA IG: Reporting Death Info from the EHR to Vital Records, R1 (US Realm) Public Health and Emergency Response Work Group DSTU - Test Period/Accepting Comments 2/20/2012 Ballot - DSTU 2014 Sept WGM/Ballot
853 HL7 Profile for CDA Release 2:Immunization History with Forecast Public Health and Emergency Response Work Group Active Project (Resources assigned to pjt) 2/20/2012 Ballot - DSTU 2013 Sept WGM/Ballot
851 Study Design: Structured Document Regulated Clinical Research Information Management Work Group DSTU - Test Period/Accepting Comments 2/20/2012 Ballot - DSTU 2015 Jan WGM/Ballot
822 CDA Implementation Guide for the Exchange of Clinical Trial Subject Data: Patient Narratives Regulated Clinical Research Information Management Work Group DSTU - Request Publication 10/31/2011 Ballot - DSTU 2013 May WGM/Ballot
816 HL7 Version 2.5.1 Implementation Guide: Vital Records Birth and Fetal Death Reporting, Release 1 (US Realm) Public Health and Emergency Response Work Group DSTU - Reconcile 10/3/2011 Ballot - DSTU 2012 May WGM/Ballot
774 Trauma Data Exchange Domain Analysis Model Clinical Interoperability Council Work Group Informative - Reconcile 6/13/2011 Ballot - DSTU 2013 Sept WGM/Ballot
735 HL7 Version 2.5.1 Implementation Guide: Vital Records Death Reporting, Release 1 (US Realm) Public Health and Emergency Response Work Group DSTU - Test Period/Accepting Comments 3/14/2011 Ballot - DSTU 2012 Jan WGM/Ballot
745 Pressure Ulcer Prevention Domain Analysis Model Patient Care Work Group Informative - Request Publication 2/28/2011 Ballot - Informative 2014 Jan WGM/Ballot
663 Cytogenetic Lab Results Clinical Genomics Work Group Informative - Reconcile 1/9/2011 Ballot - Informative 2012 May WGM/Ballot
840 Schizophrenia Domain Analysis Model Clinical Interoperability Council Work Group Informative - Balloting 1/9/2011 Ballot - Informative 2013 Sept WGM/Ballot
830 Electronic Submission of Medical Documentation(ESMD)-RMES Profile Support Electronic Health Records Work Group Active Project (Resources assigned to pjt) 1/9/2011 - Other - 2012 Jan WGM/Ballot
729 Canonical Pedigree (Family History) Interoperability Implementation Guide Clinical Genomics Work Group Informative - Request Publication 1/8/2011 Ballot - Informative 2013 May WGM/Ballot
677 Emergency Medical Services Constrained Information Model & Interoperability Specifications Clinical Interoperability Council Work Group Ready for Normative Edition Publication 11/1/2010 Ballot - DSTU 2014 Sept WGM/Ballot
697 EPrescribing Functional Profile based on the EHR-S Functional Model Electronic Health Records Work Group Informative - Reconcile 8/16/2010 Ballot - Informative 2011 Jan WGM/Ballot
679 Implementation Guide for CDA Release 2: Progress Note Structured Documents Work Group DSTU - Expired Test Period 8/9/2010 Ballot - DSTU 2013 May WGM/Ballot
678 Emergency Medical Services Domain Analysis Model, V2 Clinical Interoperability Council Work Group Ready for Normative Edition Publication 7/26/2010 Ballot - Informative 2014 Sept WGM/Ballot
567 Implementation Guide for CDA Release 2 - Level 3, Neonatal Care Report Structured Documents Work Group DSTU - Expired Test Period 10/26/2009 Ballot - DSTU 2012 Sept WGM/Ballot
494 Public Health Reporting Domain Analysis Model (PORR DAM) Public Health and Emergency Response Work Group On Hold 6/1/2009 Ballot - Informative 2012 Sept WGM/Ballot
368 Emergency Care (EC) Domain Analyses Model, Release 1 Emergency Care Work Group Active Project (Resources assigned to pjt) 11/3/2008 Ballot - Informative 2014 Jan WGM/Ballot
314 Additional Information Specifications 0011: Periodontal Attachment Attachments Work Group Informative - Reconcile 5/28/2007 2013 Sept WGM/Ballot


  • Convened at 5:05 PM
  • Administrivia
    • Agenda review - Woody notes he will be unavailable the next two meetings. Ken asks about the PSS up for ballot in January from Bob Dieterle - that's the Clinical Note Attachments…
    • Review notes from URTF_WGM_Agenda_2013Sep
  • Impact of US Gov shutdown on HL7 US Realm Projects
    • Involvement with projects regarding S&I - impact on HL7 projects. KenK notes ONC is completely shut down so they cannot read nor respond to email. S&I Framework initiatives contractors have been given a stop order, though volunteer work is under question if individuals are partly paid by ONC. HL7 projects can continue, Keith notes ESMD is still under development for CMS as they are not cut back as strictly as ONC. OO has been working on some updates having pulled content off their website under risk of the website being shut down, notes Ken M. Keith notes the SDWG projects continue among volunteers.
    • vMR ballots: KenK reports that DSS 100% affirmative, vMR were about 80%, many substantive comments. Quality measurement and CDS harmonization will resolve some of the comments.
    • new project scope statements are also coming forward. Jacob told KenK they want to publish the existing material and the ability to ballot a new version around the January timeframe for updates and enhancements. They may want to move some informative things into the DSTU for the opportunity to do a DSTU update without ballot. Logical model currently Informative-Universal and the others were DSTU. Logical model discussion, review with ArB on recommendations, medium term work discussed. Julie Crouse on ONC, Mark, Aziz Boxwala and Bryn Rhodes not working on volunteer basis. Lorraine asks if we need to wait until they ping us when they return from furlough.
    • Keith reports that conceptual metadata level work is continuing. Some work is reverse engineering existing content.
    • existing projects may be able to move forward, some new projects may move forward with all-volunteer input, but may need to plan on OOC ballot to accommodate the delay.
    • Probably won't hear from SDC or DAF during shutdown. Keith notes the DAF folks brought something to IHE and they had a call to discuss the content. Keith walked through the SAIF ECCF again and existing IHE profiles and HL7 standards. Keith is trying to ensure he's not doing the same work in three places.
  • Clinical Note Attachments - Attachments WG met yesterday on the proposal and voted to sponsor the proposal and coordinate with SDWG.
    • Name change also reflects emphasis change.
    • Still needs the ArB sniff test. Austin will ask Bob for something the ArB can review besides the scope statement.
  • Status of formation of content review team in ArB
    • Content review team will be formed ad-hoc calling on the members whose expertise falls within the scope of the document being reviewed. (Tony notes from yesterday's ArB meeting)
      • Austin asks if they are including people from outside the ArB - "members" means HL7 Members not ArB Members. Some of it will be a bandwidth issue for ArB members. Lorraine notes that they would look to the TSC to help identify those individuals.
    • TSC has asked Steering Divisions and Work Groups to refer PSS that are initiated with > 50% of the work already done outside HL7 to the ArB, as well as those generated from outside HL7.
    • Still evaluating change to the PSS for capturing this on the project definition.
  • Inventory of note:
    • HL7 Version 2.5.1 Implementation Guide: Birth & Fetal Death Reporting, R1, US Realm”, approved last week for publication as DSTU
    • “White Paper: A Framework for Standards to Report Quality Measures”, approved project on Monday, not part of the other projects discussed in the latter part of the week.
    • Meaningful Use EHR System Functional Profile (of HL7/ISO 10781 EHR System Functional Model Release 2 also just approved on Monday
  • Review of any outstanding issues
    • "HL7 101 for ONC Contractors" educational resource would be good. Wait until they get back to work. Keith recommends talking to II/DICOM and IHE and call it "Standards 101 for ONC Contractors". Processes and procedures for each SDO would need to be covered but the broad principles apply across the board. Whether there is eligibility and advantage of promoting through a JIC project discussed. ACTION ITEM: Keith will bring it up to the Education committee and ask for volunteers for drafting a PSS on Standards 101 for ONC Contractors.
  • Not on agenda - hiring PM on HL7 end. With the shutdown the government is incapable but might have to do it on the HL7 end. It may not be popular with affiliates. Right or wrong, HL7 International has the problem - have to deal with this huge chunk of US Realm work. Funding at HL7 International is of concern. Lorraine notes we have to manage the work for WGs to avoid overwhelming them. What occurs in the US does have an impact on the international realm. Whether consuming bandwidth or introducing competing products, it has an impact, notes Paul.
    • Keith notes at this point in transition for ONC, we should give it time and not set a precedent we wish to avoid - look at it again in a few months.
    • Woody notes a short term contractor to get through this period might work, not a staff member. Doug Fridsma was going to provide a liaison for this work, but he's furloughed. Keith agrees a time-limited part time project manager would be worth discussing.
    • Austin was hoping that our Director of Policy, etc (Ticia) would get us a grant to fund this.

Adjourned 6:00 PM

Meeting Outcomes

  • Keith will bring it up to the Education committee and ask for volunteers for drafting a PSS on Standards 101 for ONC Contractors.
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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