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October 08, 2013 CBCC Conference Call
Revision as of 16:52, 8 October 2013 by Suzannegw (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting= Back to CBCC Main Page ==[[Community-Based_Collaborative_Care| Meeting Informa...")
Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting
Meeting Information
- Yes - Wende Baker
- Bill Braithwaite, MD
- Yes - Kathleen Connor
- Daniel Crough
- Yes -Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-chair
- Yes -MaryAnn Juurlink
- Yes - Brian Handspicker
- Yes - Steve Eichner
- Michael Alonso
- Jim Kretz
- Tracy Leeper
- Yes - Lisa Nelson
- Mike Lardiere
- Yes -Diana Proud-Madruga
- Richard Thoreson CBCC Co-chair
- Ken Salyards
- Yes -Ioana Singureanu
- Kate Wetherby
- Tony Weida
- (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
- (15 min) Ballot Reconciliation - Ioana
- (15 min) Review of work defining sensitivity value set
- (5 min) Other Business
Meeting Minutes
Ballot Reconciliation add link: HL7_IG_DS4P_R1_N1_2013SEP_amalgamated.xls
- In person reconciliation for Lisa Nelson, items 45 - 51
Review of work defining sensitivity value set
Defining Sensitivity Value Set for HIV, ETH, PSY, etc