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Sept 11, 2013 Education Telecon
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- Melva Peters (chair and scribe)
- Rob Savage
- Mary Ann Boyle (HQ)
- Sharon Chaplock (HQ)
- Virginia Lorenzi
- Patrick Loyd
Project Review
- SAIF Webinar - no update
- PSS was approved
- Tutorial Specification will be ready by WGM
- JD working on tutorial development - Patrick will remind him to send slides by Cambridge WGM
- Begin discussion of policies and procedures needed by Education WG - Patrick
Online Certification Testing
- Status - Sharon
- have 11 registered or completed using CBT
- will be offering online testing at WGM
Agenda for Cambridge
Cambridge Education WGM Agenda
Action: Asked everyone to review and comment
Education Lunch Planning
- Discussion of Agenda items
- Tutorial Grid for January 2014
- Webinar Topics for the Future
- Requirements for "Developing and Delivering an HL7 Tutorial" -
- Education Portal
- In Person
- Education Portal
- Any questions or discussion
Action Item Followup
- see updates on Action List Page
Education Portal
- Status - will be announced at Cambridge Plenary
Education Outreach - Kenya
- Status - this is an outstanding task
eLearning update (Diego)
- HL7 Brazil's course has just ended. They included a weekly guest with a web conference, speaking about selected topics, and a fourth CDA week with additional materials prepared by Diego about CDA R2 and IHE Labs.
- HL7 International’s 2nd edition for 2013 began in August 2013 with 319 students.
- This course includes a number of students from various countries in South Asia, thanks to a grant from WHO (Asian Pacific branch)
- Spanish language edition will begin September 29, 2013. It is expected that there will be at least 6 Central American countries represented as Diego Kaminker has been working with Honduras and has arranged to give 2 scholarships to each country including Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Republica Dominicana
- Electronic List of persons completing the course are available at [ HL7 Fundamentals Course]
Tutorial Planning for January 2014
File:San Antonio Tutorial Grid - January 2014.xlsx
- only have 3 rooms available in January
- have removed Mobile Health
- Track 1 - Version 2 - same as before
- Track 2 - Version 3 and CDA
- Track 3 - Special Topics
- FHIR - doing well
Action: Reach out to Lloyd to see if they want to make any changes or add any tutorials
- Introduction to CTS 2
- QRDA - could be added - Thursday PM - will add but will be confirmed based on Cambridge WGM attendance
- Added UML tutorial
Action: Patrick to follow up with JD - need to see the slides by Cambridge
Action: Mary Ann to update and then send out to the Education LIst
- none
Next meeting
- Next meeting - September 23rd - Monday Q3 - Cambridge WGM