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20130715 FMG concall

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HL7 TSC FMG Meeting Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#

Date: 2013-07-15
Time: 1:00 PM U.S. Eastern
Chair: Lloyd Note taker(s): Dave Hamill
X Lloyd McKenzie X Brian Pech X Dave Hamill
X David Pyke X Saurabh X Teresa Conway
X Akos Nsiah-Yeboah X Mike Henderson X Dennis Cheung
X John Quinn X Ebere X Natalya


  • Planning QA of FHIR for the upcoming ballot


  • Although we recorded the GoToMeeting, there is no audio since we used the HL7 dial-in.
  • Objective of the QA work: To get as much ready as possible for ballot.
  • What is FHIR?
    • FHIR is a next generation standard for HL7. It leverages lessons learned from V3 messaging, CDA, V2, and tries to make us of more modern interface technologies in order to simplify development of standards and implement interfaces that utilize those standards.
    • FHIR uses re-usable ‘items' called resources. FHIR has gone through 2 ballot cycles and 1 formal QA cycles. Both the ballots were Draft for Comment. The upcoming ballot is the first non-comment cycle. It’ll be DSTU. We expect the DSTU to be open for 3 years before attempting to take FHIR normative.
  • Our primary objective to get depth and breadth of the implementation experience.
  • At the last QA meeting, each QA person was to view just view their specific area. This time each review is going to be given a set of sections in the ballot. These are listed in the left hand side of the FHIR page (v0.09). Assignment will simply be in alpha order. On average each person will be assigned 9 resources.
  • Any substantive feedback needs to occur during the actual ballot. The pre-ballot QA review should be “Is the content at a level that can be appropriate balloted?”

typos or incorrect hyperlinks can be pointed out. Just don’t get too deep in the substantive issues.

  • When you look at a resource, it will include text and a main picture. Tabs across will provide links to examples, definitions, mappings and profiles.
  • Prioritzation of QA review
  1. First tab
  2. Formal Definitions
  3. Mappings
  4. Examples (only need to look at either XML or the JSON; no need to review both)
  • Target deadline to complete all reviews: Submit all content by Sunday, July 27.

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • Lloyd – Send out the QA spreadsheets to the teammembers
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

20130717 FMG concall

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