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SAIF Architecture Program

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SAIF Architecture Program

Welcome to the SAIF Architecture Program Wiki Site. On these pages we will manage the various moving pieces necessary to support Architecture within SAIF.

Project Information

Conference Calls

  • Dates: Bi-Weekly on Tuesdays
  • Time: 12:00 - 13:00 Eastern
  • Phone Number: +1 (770) 657 9270
  • Participant Passcode: 985371

Lists and Links

Minutes and Agendas Documents, Action Items, Etc. See also


Created: March, 2011<br\><br\> The purpose of the Services Aware Interoperability Framework (SAIF) Architecture Program is to coordinate all the activities necessary to define an enterprise architecture specification for HL7 which will implement SAIF within HL7. The program will maintain HL7’s implementation of SAIF in the future. The program goals include:

  • Coordinate projects necessary to launch SAIF within HL7
  • Exercise SAIF via one or more projects developing standards
  • Over time, expand use of SAIF to a broader set of HL7 standards
  • Long term goal of SAIF being the normal way of developing HL7 standards<br\>

The long-term goal of rolling out SAIF will be fleshed out and refined as the program matures. It should be noted that this program might have a very long lifetime. The two initial goals of standing up the SAIF Architecture for HL7 and exercising it will consume a considerable amount of time and effort coordinating the necessary projects. The SAIF Architecture Program may sponsor a project to plan a roll out strategy.


Created: March, 2011 <br\><br\> The SAIF Architecture Program is sponsored by the Technical Steering Committee (TSC). The program is a key component in how the TSC will address many of the HL7 Strategic Initiatives. Successful implementation of the SAIF based HL7 Architecture goes to the heart of most if not all the high level strategic initiatives currently identified by the HL7 Board of Directors (HL7 Strategic Initiatives). The SAIF Architecture Program is intended to be one of the primary mechanisms through which HL7 can allocate strategic resources to projects tied to strategic initiatives. The premise is that any HL7 standards projects that are tied to HL7’s strategic initiatives will be overseen by the SAIF Architecture Program. <br\><br\> Work Products and Contributions to HL7 Processes<br\> The primary work products of the SAIF Architecture Program include:

  • SAIF Standard (with the ArB)
  • SAIF Implementation Guide for HL7 (with MnM and others) including
    • HL7 Architecture development methodology
    • HL7 SAIF Governance Processes
    • Others TBD
  • SAIF Architected Brand

<br\> A key part of the SAIF Architecture Program is the creation of a SAIF Architected Brand. Standards developed with this brand are required to follow the methodology, processes, precepts defined in the SAIF Implementation Guide. The SAIF Architecture Program will oversee creation of the governance structures necessary for implementation of SAIF. Initially, those governance structures will apply within the SAIF Brand. The goal is to eventually bring the majority of HL7 Standards under the SAIF brand at which point the necessary governance structures have been 'institutionalized' within the HL7 organization. At that point, the Architecture Program has probably accomplished its goals. <br\><br\> Formal Relationships with Other HL7 Groups<br\> The SAIF Architecture Program is sponsored by the Technical Steering Committee. The SAIF Architecture Program will work closely with the many work groups to accomplish its stated mission including ArB, MnM, Implementation and Conformance, Project Services, SOA, Publishing, Tooling, Vocabulary, Templates. <br\><br\> Formal Relationships with Groups Outside of HL7<br\> The SAIF Architecture Program does not have any formal relationships with groups outside of HL7.


At the May, 2012 Working Group Meeting in Vancouver, the Program Team approved the name change to the HL7 Architecure Program, primarily in preperation of including FHIR under the program's umbrella.

The purpose of the SAIF Architecture Program is to coordinate all the activities necessary to “stand-up” HL7’s Enterprise Architecture based on SAIF and maintain that architecture going forward. The program goals include:

  • Coordinate projects necessary to instantiate key components of the HL7 Enterprise Architecture (EA) based on SAIF
  • Exercise the nascent HL7 SAIF based EA via one or more projects developing standards
  • Role out HL7 SAIF based EA to a broader set of HL7 standards with the long term goal of HL7 SAIF based EA being the normal way of developing HL7 standards

The types of projects (not exhaustive) envisioned for instantiating key components of an HL7 EA include:

  • Balloting the SAIF “Book” (i.e., canonical version of the SAIF standard)
  • Develop an implementation guide for HL7’s EA based on SAIF (aka SAIF IG)
  • Develop a governance structure for maintaining the SAIF IG
  • Product quality framework based on SAIF IG
  • Others TBD (Links to SAIF AP Project Wiki Pages)

The types of projects to exercise the SAIF IG include:

The final goal of rolling out SAIF based EA will be fleshed out and refined as the program matures. It should be noted that this program may have a very long lifetime. The two initial goals of standing up the EA for HL7 and exercising it will consume a considerable amount of time and effort coordinating the necessary projects. The SAIF Architecture Program may sponsor a project to plan a roll out strategy for the future.

The SAIF Architecture Program is a key component in how the TSC will address many of the HL7 Strategic Initiatives. Successful implementation of the SAIF based HL7 Architecture goes to the heart of most if not all the high level strategic initiatives. For this reason, it is the TSC’s recommendation that the HL7 Board and EC should fund the program management position for this program. “Programs” by their very nature have a long lifetime, and this one is no exception. The skills and time necessary for managing a complex program such as this are hard to come by in a volunteer organization such as HL7. Without a funding commitment, this program runs a greater risk of suffering from the same issues its predecessor (EA Alpha Project) did as volunteer interest began to wane.