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20130429 FMG concall

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HL7 TSC FMG Meeting Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#

Date: 2013-04-29
Time: 1:00 PM U.S. Eastern
Chair: Hugh Note taker(s): Lynn
Quorum = chair + 4 yes/no
Co chairs x Hugh Glover x Lloyd McKenzie
ex-officio regrets Ron Parker, FGB Chair . John Quinn, CTO
Members Members Observers/Guests
x Lorraine Constable regrets John Moehrke x Lynn Laakso, scribe
x Jean Duteau x Brian Pech x Austin Kreisler
x David Hay x Joey Coyle, CIMI


  • Roll Call
  • Agenda Check
  • Minutes from 20130422_FMG_concall
  • Administrative
    • Action items
      • Ron to address concept of FHIR WG with FGB.
      • Lloyd will pass to Grahame the request to update the Automated QA steps section of FHIR QA Guidelines.
      • Hugh will take a first pass at cross references on quality metrics column headings with detail on their meaning for others' review.
  • Reports
  • Process management
    • Ballot Planning
    • Developing FMG Management Methodology - see FHIR Methodology Process and FHIR Guide to Designing Resources
    • FHIR Design patterns - see FHIR Design Patterns
    • Ballot content review and QA process FHIR QA Guidelines
      • should FMG metrics include information from the FHIR servers on the regular basis to support the 80% rule? Volumes, change in volumes, which functions getting exercised, # of unique IP addresses making calls? Float the idea with Grahame and Ewout on whether they can get these types of reporting ready for the WGM and consider other logging metrics, and review next week.
  • WGM Readiness


  • Agenda Check Lloyd wishes to add agenda planning. Discuss with WGM Readiness. Lloyd/Lorraine unanimously approved
  • Minutes from 20130422_FMG_concall Hugh suggests striking reference to risk assessment matrix. Lloyd/Brian unanimously approved.
  • Administrative
    • Action items
      • Ron to address concept of FHIR WG with FGB. Ron is not on the call and FGB was cancelled last week.
      • Lloyd will pass to Grahame the request to update the Automated QA steps section of FHIR QA Guidelines. Lloyd holding off.
      • Hugh will take a first pass at cross references on quality metrics column headings with detail on their meaning for others' review. Hugh finished the cross-references. Comments can be added to tabs. Done.
  • Reports
    • Connectathon management (David/Brian)
      • David reports one remote connection requested, with server. Jean asks about a questionnaire for results of connectathon - we discussed last week. David still needs to come up with some sample tests.
    • FGB – no report
    • MnM – more ballot recon.
    • FMG Liaisons – Lloyd and Jean met with Patient Care and discussed their review.
  • WGM Readiness and agenda planning
    • Weds Q6 and Fri Q1
    • Weds Q6 Ballot planning, resources may need to move from current state to 'ballot-readiness' over two months.
    • Liaisons need to touch base with their groups to ascertain readiness for July. Need to provide QA feedback. Lloyd states it will be collated and distributed by Friday.
    • Other management issues include resource definitions, risk management.
    • Friday morning discuss resource ownership shared between SDOs.
    • Round table on FMG and FGB groups and how they work for Wednesday night?
  • Process management
    • Ballot Planning
      • TSC approved FM FHIR resource project
      • Resource proposal review
        • OO still reviewing content in OO for how Diagnostic Reports and Observation are related. Specimen is a new resource.
        • Lloyd suggests some examples in scope of coverage for Diagnostic Reports resource, and suggests genetic sequencing should be included. Implementations may not include CCDA depending on the scope of Observation. Likewise the scope of Observation should include definition of when to use Obs and when something else.
        • Device_FHIR_Resource_Proposal add Pharmacy as interested WG and plan to compare to medication administration. David asks about glucose meters. Discussion ensued on RIM-ish translation to English. Comparison with Medication resource. CDA comparison of Authoring device as compared to clinical device. Austin asserts CDA is more concerned with instances rather than 'kind'.

Being at time, the call adjourned at 1:58 PM

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items


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