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2013-02-04 Rx Conf Call

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  • Tom de Jong (Chair)
  • Hugh Glover
  • Julie James
  • Scott Robertson
  • Stephen Chu
  • Yan Heras
  • John Hatem (scribe)
  • Mark Kramer
  • Wendy Scharber


List Serve Discussions

  • Role of Pharmacy WG in Structured Documents project on Clinical Oncology Treatment Plan CDA IG
    • Yan Heras reviewed the content via a Go To Meeting conference. The content included pharmacy drug regimens for clinical oncology treatment. Action Item: Yan was asked to provide copies of the content and materials she reviewed, and she agreed to share the content.
    • Tom D. responded that pharmacy will target getting a response back later in the week. The initial plan was to conduct feedback via the list serv, and depending on the feedback/issues, a follow up meeting will be created if needed.

January 2013 Ballot Reconciliation

  • Action items from WGM? NO DISCUSSION

Normative Edition publishing

  • Status (Scott) NO DISCUSSION

Planning for Out of Cycle Meeting

  • Hugh led a discussion with Tom about the Out of Cycle meetings.
    • General agreement to hold a meeting in the Netherlands in June to coincide with a IHE pharmacy meeting.
    • Tentative dates discussed: June 12th joint with IHE, and June 13th and June 14th for Pharmacy OOC.
    • Scott Robertson moved that we accept the dates as proposed by Tom D ( June dates). Tom de Jong seconded.
      • Vote: For: 4; Against: 0; Abstain: 0.
    • Agenda for this meeting would focus on Medication Profile.
    • Locations for this OOC was also discussed, Tom to provide more details.
  • Hugh led a discussion about an earlier OOC in England led to general agreement to not hold an in person meeting, but instead target a virtual meeting sometime in April.
    • No date confirmed.
    • Agenda for this meeting would focus on Pharmacy FHIR content.

Medication Statement Service

  • request to publish
    • note - it appears that there this project has missing ballot reconciliation packages posted from September 2012

Link to Pharmacy Reports

  • Hugh has requested that Pharmacy create a final document and submit it for publishing.
  • After brief discussion a motion to Request to Publish the Medication Statement Service was moved by John Hatem, seconded by Scott Robertson. Vote: For: 5; Against: 0; Abstain: 0 ( note: Tom, Wendy and Yan were not on the call at this time)

Ordering Service Interface Specification Project

  • Request to co-sponsor - Review Project scope statement

Action Items from Previous Meeting

  • Spanish V3 Presentation - Tom to contact Alberto to get permission to make it more public - NO DISCUSSION

FHIR Resources

  • Hugh reviewed the current state of the FHIR work on Medication Order. He displayed a constrained medication order model based on the workgroups input from previous meetings. The plan is to continue work on this pharmacy resource in upcoming meetings.


  • NONE


  • Next meeting - February 4, 2013 4pm Eastern