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20130116 FMG F2F

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HL7 TSC FMG Meeting Minutes

Location: Phoenix (Palo Verde)

Date: 2013-01-16
Time: 19:00 PM U.S. Mountain
Chair: Note taker(s):
Quorum = chair + 4 yes
Co chairs x Hugh Glover x Lloyd McKenzie
ex-officio x Ron Parker, FGB Chair x John Quinn, CTO
Members Members Observers/Guests
Lorraine Constable x John Moehrke Lynn Laakso, scribe
x Jean Duteau x Brian Pech x Austin Kreisler
x David Hay x Grahame Grieve


  • Roll Call
  • Agenda Check
  • Minutes from 20130109 FMG concall
  • Administrative
    • Action items
      • Ron will try to schedule with Charlie to attend Tuesday Q2
  • Reports
  • Issues Arising
    • Agreement to support IHE Profiles
  • Precepts
    • Documents from RP
    • Costs
    • Fitting what we are doing on Wiki to precepts spreadsheet
  • Process management
  • Left-hand menu
    • Ballot Planning
      • When should we target?
      • What should we target?
      • Based on Austin's definitions, will we be DSTU-ready?
    • Reconciliation planning
      • How do we deal with remaining ballot items?
    • Developing FMG Management Methodology - see FHIR Methodology Process and FHIR Guide to Designing Resources
    • FHIR Design patterns - see FHIR Design Patterns
      • Prioritization of methodology elements
      • Process for "formally approving" guidelines and determining strength of enforcement
    • Ballot content review and QA process FHIR QA Guidelines
      • discussion continued
  • AOB (Any Other Business)


Opened 7:00 PM

Agenda approved David/Jean

Minouties approved Jean/David approved


  • 12 people 3 servers 3 new people could have had a bit more strructure. Need to think about a section for newbies next time.
  • Agreement to have one in May.
  • 3 tracks (Newbies/Experimentation/Conformance)
  • Next time might be a Blue Button (ie get specific records back on the basis of a specific call from within a record) based session.
  • Grahame argued for keeping development focus
  • Ron concern about scale -
  • Lloyd max at 40 people; Don't need to do confrmance at next meeting but not full blown
  • Jean would be happier to turn up if had known what was required more in advance
  • Lloyd provide more structure.
  • Hugh do we want learning or spec development support
  • Lloyd need both. Exploration piece defined nearer the time.
  • Jean Blue Button may focus on less used parts of spec
  • GG conectathon are sessions for development of spec. Benefit is really in the prep beforehand
  • Lm have n't exercised document / audit would be good to tie these together Anything else?
  • Jean profiles and extensions?
  • GG no not yet done
  • LL ABBI or CCDA will use extensions
  • LM Summary Sat am codeing and prep - how does this work - overview orientation
  • Sunday - sturctured those ready can play the rest will get less support
  • Topic will be abbi or ccda experimental track ...
  • Room for 20 possibly 40
  • Mike Hendrson is keen to be involved
  • Remote access needs to be considered for next time


  • RP
    • IHE relationship. Discussion on eMail is on right track.
    • Disclaimer - some editing to be done. Organisational relations (esp IHE) passed up to TSC chair. Disclaimer has to go to legala for consideration. Patent concern also has been escalated. Grahame to provide statement of what is required from a patent position.


  • LMC - all 6 methodology issues have been dealt with. Content will go into methodology pages


  • HER-FM - went well. RP commit to translate EHR-sfm
  • GG need to deal with security
  • Patient Care - John Farmer will provide strawman content for CarePlan resource
  • Mobile Health - HG usage stats
  • Audit - more support
  • AP - have been in contact - may be suitable for producing profiles

Agenda for next WGM

  • LMC 2 categories of activity - lots of shared meetings with core tem / fmg also lots of meetings that committees doing work by themselves. Probably need to know what is going on in advance. Need to show where FHIR activity is happening.
  • LMC useful to know when FHIR work across the board will happen
  • LMC will do basic spreadsheet of FHIR joints - to be checked
  • ACTION: LMC publish slots to groups and ask what the requirement is


  • eMail discussion is adequate and will be actioned


  • RP - FGB is going to start working on iterating risks. Will then start constructing content. More discussion during joint on Friday AM

Ballot Planning

  • LM - Not may - sept leaves little time for cleanup before January.
  • JH - Do we really need to go that fast
  • LM - Causes concern if we slip
  • General disagreemnt that it will be an issue
  • GG - change in balloting process / understanding means we will aim for September. Also concern about feeding conectathon issues into balloting.
  • LM - do we want a draft for comment in May?
  • GG - we are largely on top of balloting. If no draft for comment then what do we have as a test process
  • HG - draft content for may ballot not sensible
  • LM - first cut of all resources and search criterea for May
  • HG - put plan to each work group
  • ACTION LM will put together a eMail about planning to each WG (include comment about PSS) and work. Liaisons will pursue each wg
  • LM - will we look seriously at only 1 DSTU?
  • GG - prefer to anticipate 2
  • LM - but aiming for only 1
  • GG - can we add new resources after 1st DSTU#
  • AK - no its scope creep - do several releases
  • LM - Left hand side will show several levels of DSTU (rel 1, rel 2, comment)

Left Hand Menu

  • Group said core group could sort menu as it saw fit


  • LM process is going well
  • GG electronic resolution will be applied for topics that are driven by FHIR directly

Topic for Next Meeting

  • QA is the main issue

Conf call

  • No call next Monday

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • xxx.
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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