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2012-12-13 Tooling Call

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Tooling Meeting Template

Meeting Information

HL7 Tooling Meeting Agenda/Minutes

Location: Phone: +1 770-657-9270;
Participant PassCode:586935#
GoToMeeting URL:

Date: 2012-12-13
Time: 2 PM ET
Facilitator: Jane Curry Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso
Attendee Name, Affiliation
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Woody Beeler, Beeler Consulting
x Wilfred Bonney, HL7 HQ
x Joshua Carmody, HL7 HQ Tooling Administrator
Dennis Cheung, eHealth Ontario
x Jane Curry, Co-Chair
x Lenel James, CCD2BlueButton project
x Austin Kreisler
x Lynn Laakso, HL7 HQ Tooling Support
Abdul-Malik Shakir, Shakir Consulting
x Brian Pech,
x Andy Stechishin, Co-chair
Michael van der Zel, co-chair
Quorum Requirements Met (co-chair plus 3 counting staff): (yes)


Agenda Topics

Supporting Documents


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
Convene at 2:04 PM

  • Roll Call & Agenda Review – move Lenel and the CCD2Blue Button first
  • Approval of previous minutes from 2012-12-06 Tooling Call Josh moves and Brian seconds approval. Unanimously approved.
  • Review EHR_CCD2BLUEBUTTON for release - Lenel James (see PI#843)
    • Review user guide, refer to license agreement, and see examples
    • Lenel reviews the user guide and package contents.
    • Lenel moves that the Tooling Committee approve this for sending to the TSC and placing on the HL7 Store. Andy seconds.
    • Wilfred asks about including the transforms themselves. They will be released on the store.
    • GForge will be used to track bugs and enhancement requests. Corey has indicated that if there are bugs identified soon after release they will be fixed.
    • Jane notes that this is a concrete demonstration of an HL7-endorsed tool as proposed in the proposed Tooling Strategy.
    • Vote: unanimously approved. Lenel leaves the call.
  • Approve draft Strategy from 2012-12-06 for Tooling Strategy and Process Revision
    • Draft strategy does not include all the processes we have to provide. Seeking approval to bring to the TSC. It has already been given to John. Andy moves approval. Austin seconds. Unanimously approved.
    • There's still more work to be done but this statement of direction can be confirmed with the TSC before we move on.
  • Update on deliverables from PI# 831 EHR-S FM Profiling Tool
    • Deliverables have been uploaded to GForge
    • WG reviews. Late deliverables expected middle of October submitted mid November along with the late November deliverables.
    • Deliverables regarding FM XML, EA converter reviewed. In addition they have developed requirements for MAX tool. They would like to be able to go from MAX format into MIF. Next steps are validation within EA and Schematron.
    • These deliverables are to satisfy this iteration of the contract but not the final deliverables. William is requesting final deliverables due end of January with extension of a couple months. Michael will be out of commission for a while to complete import/export of MAX. Jane notes the release of funds to coincide with calendar year cause rollover to need budgeting into the next year. Uncertainty over next year's budget with business model change risks reduction to next year's budget as well.
    • Brian moves and Austin seconds approval of these deliverables. Andy abstains and recuses himself from any discussion of acceptability of the tools. Approved 5/0/1.
  • PI# 904 HL7/OHT Health Ingenuity Exchange Alpha Program Participation - HingX had a new release with an API to register resources.
    • How will we deal with the API for registering resources? Andy will try to contact Woody tomorrow afternoon or over the weekend. Austin notes that we should evaluate and test during the alpha phase but not to re-engineer HL7 processes to accommodate them at this time. Jane notes a final report would be submitted to recommend any process changes.

Adjourned 3:00 PM ET

Meeting Outcomes

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