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V3 Publishing ConCall Agenda

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Minutes of Recent Publishing Conference Calls


Friday, December 9, 2011 -- 12:00 PM Eastern


Publishing Conference Call -

GoToMeeting ID: 212-860-120

Conference Call: HL7 Conference Call Service:

  • Phone: 770-657-9270
  • Passcode: 657896


  1. Regrets
    • Woody
  2. Role call and agenda
  3. Approve Minutes of previous meetings December 2
  4. Announcements
  5. Update on Action Items
    • AS will produce chart/model/diagram to create a visual image of the Publishing Workflow
    • AS will work with Dave Hamill to produce a Work Group specific CMET list to be used with the Publishing Request form and the Notice of Intent to Ballot form
    • GWB will follow up with Security model to determine if it can be opened and updated
    • GWB will produce CMETinfo.txt that contains Common Product Model CMETs
    • AS will create Publishing Steps Wiki page
  6. Substantivity document
  7. Notes from Don Lloyd
  8. Around the table
  9. Future Business
    1. Deadlines and due dates
  10. Adjourn