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CS Sept 2011 WGM Minutes
Revision as of 22:03, 15 September 2011 by Hbuitendijk (talk | contribs)
Thursday Q3
- Motion that typos are addressed by the Editor. Charlie, Patrick
- Discussion: Mead - May not need this motion.
- Against: 0; Abstain: 0; In Favor: 9
Scope of Clin Statement is driven based on Change Request.
Pattern New name IMDP – Information Model Design Pattern. Official, MnM approved nuggets of modeling.
Discussion whether CS is an IMDP. Lloyd McKenzie believes the entire CS pattern today would not fit IMDP, but parts thereof. CS topics would be close this.
An IMDP could be a template for its intended use for modelers.
Topics don’t seem to fit with CS Pattern as it sits today. A motion to remove did not get quorum.
Unclear what the rules would be to make a pattern an IMDP.
- Current Topics are incosistent with the current pattern in terms of scope and approach. Rather we should consider them as potential IMDPs possibly under the ownership of other domains. We're not sure what MnM considers an IMDP vs. SAIF's Composite. Until such time the motion is to remove the topics from the Clinical Statement model, but keep them on the shelve (on a wiki page). Rik, Patrick
- Since "on-the-shelf" is not very pro-active, should we do something with it. Ownership of IMDP is not yet clear. CS will at least look at next steps.
- Against: 0; Abstain: 2; In Favor: 6