Talk:Tooling Work Group
- llaakso 18:19, 16 June 2011 (UTC)
- reviewing the wiki page, I note that there are a number of pages linked from the various sections where the last major update was in late 2008 or early 2009. These can be moved to a "historical links" section.
Tooling Work Group
The Tooling Work Group supports the HL7 mission by overseeing the tools that facilitate the development, adoption and use of HL7 standards, according to the requirements of the HL7 Board and membership needs.
The main HL7 Tooling Work Group page has:
- the Tooling Work Group Mission and Charter
- list of Co-chairs
In addition, the Tooling Work Group maintains a list of Toolsmiths to recognize the volunteer efforts of people who have worked on tools used by HL7 and it`s members to design, publish and then adopt HL7 specifications. Please notify the co-chairs if you become aware of other volunteers and their tools. Toolsmith ribbons are being included in Working Group packets to increase awareness and recognition for their efforts.
Wanted to make the list of toolsmiths prominent - not require link
Agendas and Meetings
- Agendas for Teleconferences that are held every Thursday at 10:00 AM ET
- Working Agenda for the next WGM
- Tooling Work Group Minutes are on
- HL7 List Services Welcome Center is the HL7 list server where you can subscribe to any of the Tooling lists
Hot Topics
- Tooling Tactical Steps (Evolving Document) - updates pending, assigned to: it is the funded project that was completed in 2010 - last bit being done this year by Woody and Canada Health Infoway - no funding this year - is being documented in update Tooling Overview that Wilfred is doing
- Tactical Action Items - still in use? should we archive this page in favor of the GForge tracker use? yes
- Tools List discussion - is this the action item assigned to Andy? yes
- Update the Tooling Work Group wiki page is this completed? no-we're doing this now
- Model Interchange Format (MIF) with publication, is this a current hot topic or should it be under 'products/documents'? yes
- Subversion FAQs content still relevant? add to products/documents? yes
- Tuesday Tooling Nights Andy leads this and needs to be encouraged to use it as a communication tool - he tends to use the listserve only
- OHT Architecture Project Value Proposition Survey still in use? are results available? no longer relevant - should be archived
Current Projects/Work
- HL7 - CDA Template requirements package File:NLM - CDA Template tools is this completed, add to products/documents section? yes
- HL7 - Tooling & Electronic Services alignment is this completed, add to products/documents section? needs an action item - Andy was to do a draft proposal - needs to go on the San Diego agenda
- Migrate RIM Maintenance to OTS UML Modeling Tool current and up to date yes, and should in the products lists anyway
- Implementing OHT Static Model Designer in HL7 contract expired, what is the status? essential enhancements needed - on hold pending funding
- MAX - Model Automated eXchange current project
- OHT - IHTSDO Workbench what is the status? is this completed? add to products/documents? currently in development-it's an OHT related project that is part of the strategic plan
- OHT - HL7 UML Modeling Tools this content is old, what is the status? who should be responsible for a statement of when MDHT tool should be used compared to the new Trifolia tool? We need to invite Bob Dolin to a call and discuss - the Trifolia tool is a short term stop-gap for US template designing specs for ONC - MDHT generates code too
- OHT - NHS sponsored Static Model Designer is this completed, add to products/documents section? no, see comment above re Implementing OHT SMD
- Project to migrate "Domain" Publishing to MIF2 foundation is this completed, add to products/documents section? yes* Structured Document Template Design Pilot is this completed, link to a final (instead of pilot) page in products/documents section? or move to Historical Links? if not completed, what is most recent liaison report? pilot completed - move to historical
- Templates Registry Pilot wiki page is current and up to date but says suspended for lack of funding? yes, and the development volunteers ran out of steam - current focus is revise the business requirements as informative document
- A variety of tooling documents, including an excellent overview of HL7 tools are maintained as file releases under the Tooling Documentation Project on the Hl7 Gforge site.
- HL7 Tooling FAQs will Wilfred's new documentation effort replace this? should this link to a document in GForge instead? - not necessarily - should review as part of the acceptance of Wilfred's new document - Woody maintains the FAQs
Acquisition and Installation
- Installing and Configuring HL7 Tools up to date
- Eclipse Tools Installation Instructions (for tools users)
Tool for Publishing and Static Model Design
- RMIM_Designer_(Visio)_Documentation current to Feb 2011 Woody usually updates this page when he releases new versions
- Using the Combined Publishing and Generator Tools (for Facilitators) suggest move this to historical links no - this is current
- Support page for Vocabulary Submission Tools does this need revision? 'move to historical - tools only used in harmonization production now
- Creating and Using a Document Tab Control on HL7 Wikisuggest move to 'other documentation' as a wiki how-to yes
- Preparation for Tooling related Tutorials is this a historical link?
Other Documentation
- Source Code for most HL7 Tools is maintained in project-specific Subversion Repositories. These can be located through the SVN tab on the left side of each project page on the HL7 Gforge site.
- GForge Site Administration
Historical Links
links to old project wiki pages (no longer active)
- HL7 Project Homebase reorg
- Historical info re the HL7 Tooling Collaborative - now superseded by Open Health Tools
- HTC Tools Roadmap
- Requirements for the MIF, Repository and Processes HTC Requirements