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RMIM Designer Documentation (2010 Update)

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Revision as of 01:22, 12 February 2011 by Gwbeeler (talk | contribs)
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Overview   2010/11 Updates   VocabMIF   DataTypeReleases   BatchProcess   CommandLine   Errors/Install   Vis2002-3-7-10-13    

Introduction ·  SetContextConduction ·  ScanAndRepair ·  AligningMasterGUIDs


This tab documents a set of important changes made in 2010 and 2011 that do not handily fall into other documentation categories.

Designating Context Conduction Style

During 2010, HL7 reviewed and completely restructured the methodology by which a serialized static model designates whether important context data applied to one element of the model also applies to "children" (in the serial hierarchical sense) of that element.

This change in context conduction control - deprecation the prior "conduction-indicator-based" method and adoption of a new "vocabulary-based" method - created the requirement to be able to designate for each model which of the methods it uses, or whether it uses neither. It was further determined that this designation would be documented as a "property" of the Entry Point for that model in its RMIM designs.

Context Conduction Style Property in an Entry Point Description

The designation is made by asserting one of three code values:

  • "C" designates the model uses the original conduction-indicator-based method of establishing context conduction, a method that was deprecated during 2010.
  • "V" designates the model uses the new vocabulary-based method of establishing context conduction as adopted during 2010.
  • "I" designates that the model does not explicitly establish context conduction. This designation is formally "discouraged."

The figure at right shows the property asserted in the description of the Entry Point for CMET COCT_RM080100UV. The syntax is identical tho that used for asserting RIM properties in the descriptive text for attributes, etc. It is the Reserved fragment "Property-" followed by the property name "contextConductionStyle" followed by a colon and then the code "C"

Your Toolsmith does NOT recommend that you edit these by hand! (Except perhaps to delete one.)

Visio RMIM Designer Tool Support

Beginning with Release 4.6.6, the RMIM Designer initiates the following process whenever a static model is saved or validated:

  1. Determine whether the contextConductionStyle property has been set to a valid code (V,C,I);
  2. If set, determine whether the designation is "I" and the RMIM Designer option "Reject Inferred (I) Context Conduction Style" has been set true. (Its default is false.) (See Conversion Options on the Data Type Releases tab.)
  3. If condition 1 is false or condition 2 is true the model is flagged as having an invalid designation.
  4. If the designation is invalid and the model is being validated, an error will be listed in the validation results and no further process steps will be executed.
  5. If the designation is invalid and the model is being saved, the following process steps are undertaken
  6. Analyze the model(s) in the Visio diagram (all pages) to determine a default code.
    • This process looks at all ActRelationship and Participation classes on the pages.
    • Return the following "default" values:
      1. V if any of the following attributes are in the model and none of those listed in 2 (below) is present.
        • ActRelationship.blockedContextActRelationshipType
        • ActRelationship.blockedContextParticipationType
        • ActRelationship.actAttributeContextBlockedInd
      2. C if any of the following attributes are in the model and none of those listed in 1 (above) is present.
        • ActRelationship.contextControlCode
        • ActRelationship.contextConductionInd
        • Participation.contextControlCode
      3. I if NONE of the attributes in 1 or 2 (above) are in the model
      4. x if members of both sets of attributes in 1 and 2 (above) are in the model
  7. If the default is x (a conflicted model) display the Warning message shown at right
  8. If the default is "C", "V" or "I" and the Reject Inferred (I) Context Conduction Style option is false, display the Accept Default? message shown at right.
  9. If the user rejects the default (selects "No" to the previous message), display an "Input box" to enter one of the valid codes, as shown at right. Note that the Input box will also select the default as an answer.

As models evolve, many of them (particularly those developed before 2010) are using the "inferred (I)" designation. While there is an easy way to establish context conduction style, changing the designation once made is cumbersome. Switching this option from "false" to "true" will cause the RMIM Designer logic to automatically seek user approval to change the designation code for any model designated as "inferred."

The final option disallows a value of "inferred (I)" as a context conduction style. Disallowing this option provides an easy way to detect all models for which an expressed method of context conduction has not been declared. (See 2010/11 Updates tab.)

Options to "Scan" and "Repair" Designs

Aligning GUIDs on Shape Masters