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ITS Concall Minutes 20100817

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ITS Teleconference - August 10, 2010

Called to order at 4:08 Eastern

Present: Dale Nelson (DN), Andy Stechishin (AS), Gerald Beuchalt (GB), Andy Gregorowicz (AG), Robert Worden (RW), Jean Duteau (JD), Paul Knapp (PK)

Chair: DN

Scribe: AS


  1. Role call and agenda
  2. Approve Minutes of previous meetings August 10, 2010
  3. Update on hData
  4. Steering Division Co-Chair
  5. Neutral Mapping
    • Paul Knapp and Robert Worden
  6. Adjourn

Motion: Approve amended agenda AS/RW 4-0-0

Approve Previous Minutes

Motion: Approve minutes with correction to spelling of AG name. AS/AG 4-0-0

hData Report

AS had not yet sent the hData documents for review by other possibly affected WG. GB would like to have a set period for comments, AS suggested that we request comments by Sept 28 to tabulate for discussion in Cambridge. AS will send out tonight and copy AG and GB.

Steering Division Co-Chair

As provided a brief update, will send out email vote with closing set for August 29.

Neutral Mapping

RW reported on current activities in the Neutral Mapping project

  1. Feedback from TSC
    • did not approve
    • Austin and Helen
    • 3 reasons
      1. need proper co-sponsor from other WG (will get co-sponsor from UK), (SD may co-sponsor) (DCM Patient Care)
      2. TSC confused by description of pre-evaluation phase
        • need to be spelled out more clearly
      3. getting to ballot by Jan unrealistic, move to May RW agrees
  2. Getting Feedback on draft
    • ITS should formally send to co-chairs for discussion
    • GB TSC should encourage others to participate
  3. Agenda of Cambridge
    • invitation to folks doing MDMI
    • AS will try to book Wed Q3

General Discussion

ITS R2 structures on wiki please review to go to ansi (Sep 7)

skip aug 24

decision on interim co-chair (sep 7)


5:09 pm Eastern