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Talk:Wiki acceptable use policy

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Revision as of 06:53, 23 April 2010 by Rene spronk (talk | contribs) (→‎Introduction)
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Draft content for an AUP

Based on Examples from

HL7 Wiki Acceptable Use Policy


This Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) applies to all HL7-branded Wiki sites and is intended to aid any and all HL7 Wiki users (registered or not) in understanding how the contents found in the HL7 wikis may be used. All users of the HL7 Wiki must comply with this AUP, the purpose of which is to encourage the reuse of HL7 materials while also helping to protect HL7 Intellectual Property (IP), as well as to protect HL7 members and participants of the HL7 community from illegal or irresponsible activities.

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Note that this is certainly not true - not all content is in support of the creation of standards. If that is an assumption for this AUP it is a flawed one. Rene spronk 06:53, 23 April 2010 (UTC)

.. as it represents work-in-progress towards standards material that will be copyrighted once it has gained consensus in the HL7 community.

Note that the T&C don't allow for any "creative commons licensed material" - it only talks about public domain and HL7-copyrighted material. IMHO this should be taken care of. Rene spronk 07:40, 25 March 2010 (UTC)

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