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May 19th, 2009 Security Conference Call

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Security Working Group Meeting

==Attendees== (expected)


  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
  2. (10 min) HL7 Security Risk Assessement Document
  • Motion: Security Cookbook Subcommittee would like to bring forth a motion to make more radical changes to Section 1 than our current charter would allow. The current Section 1 is not well targeted toward the HL7 standards development task and is so generic that it may confuse and disorient the audience.

The subcommittee has a plan that would target the material better toward the typical HL7 workgroup membership. We feel that this targeted text would facilitate better self-reliance and result in better conformance and less consulting by the Security Workgroup. The document in it’s current draft form, without change to Section 1, have been mailed to the Security list-serve for your review and approval. Please be advised that the subcommittee has only completed their updates and review up to Section 3. If you would like to provide comment beyond Section 2 you are welcome to. Thank you.

  1. (15 min) Permission Catalog - Object Vocabulary (Report post RBAC TF meeting)
  2. (15 min) Item3
  3. (5 min) Other Business

Action Items

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