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March 3rd 2009 Security Conference Call

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Security Working Group Meeting

==Attendees== (expected)


  1. (05 min) Roll Call
  2. (05 min) Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
  3. (15 min) Operations Spreadsheet - Tony Weida, continued discussion as needed
  4. (15 min) Operations Spreadhseet comments - Mike Davis
  • Defininition of operation entered (comes from standards)
  • Column A - have moved 'up' the term UPDATE from Tony's spreadsheet
    • recommend to use update and mark revise as a synonym; (will leave it up to Tony for best fit
    • 'Replace in security parlance we see this a combination of delete and create
  1. (15 min) Item3
  2. (5 min) Other Business

Action Items

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