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OO Ballot Status

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 22:04, 11 February 2009 by Ployd (talk | contribs)
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Orders Domain

Model Name Identifier Release Version Next Ballot Ballot Level Reconcile Project ID
Orders and Requests DMIM POOR_DM100000UV R1 MAY 09     110
Orders and Requests Pattern POOR_RM200000UV R1 SEP 09 M2 [1]
Composite Order Template POOR_RM200999UV R1 MAY 09 M2 [2]


  • Next Ballot is the next ballot cycle this model is expected to be included in
  • Ballot Level of this model for the next ballot, N in this column means the current model is normative
  • Recon is a link to last reconciliation spreadsheet from the last ballot cycle which included this model

Clinical Events Domain

Model Name Identifier Release Version Next Ballot Ballot Level Reconcile Project ID
Clinical Events DMIM POOB_DM100000UV R1 SEP 09     256
Observation Request Template POOB_RM210000UV R1 SEP 09 M2 [3] 111
Common Observation Template POOB_RM410000UV R1 SEP 09 M3 [4] 434
Common Observation List Query RMIM POOB_RM410002UV R1 SEP 09 M3

Observations CMETs

Model Name Identifier Release Version Next Ballot Ballot Level Reconcile Project ID
A_SupportingClinicalInformation COCT_RM200000UV R7 N      
A_ObservationDx universal COCT_RM120100UV R8 SEP 09     109
A_ObservationDx minimal COCT_RM120104UV R8 SEP 09  
A_ObservationIntolerance COCT_RM120300UV R8 SEP 09  
A_ObservationGeneral universal COCT_RM120500UV R8 SEP 09