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DocumentSharing FHIR Profile Proposal

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Profile balloting plans


Profile Details

It is defining an IG for an ecosystem that is following the IHE White Paper on “Document Sharing”, which is the abstract model for what XDS started but has gone well beyond XDS.

  • A document Sharing environment equally handles all kinds of documents, it is not constrained to CDA or FHIR documents.
  • This is a working ecosystem, including patient management, patient cross referencing, User management, access controls, audit controls, provenance requirements, and eventually consent.
  • This ecosystem will be constrained following the IHE profiles, but should be able to be standalone as well. That is that it is envisioned to be equally an API to an XDS ecosystem, or deployed as a standalone Document Sharing system purely FHIR based.
  • This IG will leverage existing IHE profile of the current profiles that use FHIR (MHD, PIXm, PDQm, ATNAm, and MHD-I), use of IUA, and likely future Consent profile.

Profiled Resource(s)

  • DocumentReference
  • DocumentManifest
  • List (as Document Folder)
  • Patient
  • Operation (as part of PIXm)
  • AuditEvent
  • ImagingObjectSelection

Constraints to be Applied

  • minor constraints as found in the profiles

Extensions to be Applied

  • None expected

Example Scenarios

As a FHIR centric Document Sharing Ecosystem


As a proxy to an XDS or XCA Document Sharing Ecosystem


Scope of coverage




Owning committee name


Contributing or Reviewing Work Groups

  • Struct Documents
  • Imaging
  • PA
  • Security

Expected implementations

  • much interest in IHE
  • much interest in Argonaut

gForge Users

FHIR Profile Development Project Insight ID




  • 2016

Balloting Requirements

Choose one:

  • Ballot with next FHIR DSTU or Normative Edition
  • or Ballot independently as DSTU
  • or Realm specific ballot
  • or No Ballot

Desired Ballot Date

  • 2016