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ITS SIG telcon 20080305
Revision as of 21:54, 5 March 2008 by GrahameGrieve (talk | contribs)
ITS telecon 5-Mar 2008
- Charlie McCay
- Grahame Grieve
- Dale Nelson
- Lloyd Mackenzie
- Paul Knapp
Approval of Agenda
- approved as stated
ISO datatypes
- dispositions as noted in the spreadsheet
- Motion: The reconciliation package is deemed complete without needing to have Dipak's line items dealt with in detail. the Reconciliation package should be posted now. (Grahame/LLoyd - 3/0/0)
ITS 1.1 reconciliation
- Motion: All proposed dispositions accepted. Grahame/Paul 3/0/0
ITS r2 reconciliation
- Individual line items as recorded in the spreadsheet
- Motion - the remaining line items (ones not already approved by committee) be accepted as a block. Paul/Dale 3/0/0
Alternate Schema Representations
- No identified interest in resourcing work on this issue
- Will be revisited of interest is found.
Transport Specifications
- Committee hasn't sighted draft documents or reconciliation packages
- they won't be balloted this cycle
- further discussion at the next WGM
- Paul to contact authors and see where they are up to
Planning for next meeting
- no further meetings until business arises (i.e. Transport specifications)