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2018 05 09 Minutes - Technical Team
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- CDA R2.1 Stylesheet Project
Alex, Lisa
- Review current rendering
- Make plan for Cologne meeting - Monday Q3
Discussion Points
- Reviewed the color changes in the stylesheet
- Added a treatment for sections with no information
- Lisa will make a ppt for the meeting that address key questions
- Summarize completed bug fixes and improvements
- Describe the new CDA R2.1 Style Sheet and how it works
- called pragmatically versus used in a browser
- note it is non-normative artifact that is not considered a part of the standard
- Where do you get it
- How do you use it
- Where is the documentation?
- How will bugs be reported, enhancements be requested?
- Motion to accept our Request to Publish
- Still need to:
- Add more documentation about the stylesheet
- Documentation will be on the wiki
- Address how to report bugs and request enhancements
- Add more documentation about the stylesheet
- Open Issues
- Check for additional CDA R2.1 Null Flavors
- Look at TOK for accordian to reveal sub sections
- Look at width of TOK for sections with no information
- Make variables for color scheme
Next Meeting
- The next meeting will be scheduled once we have progress to report on the action items taken in this meeting