2018-03-14PC DrugAllergySubstance Call Minutes
OID (FHIM OID) Name Common drug substances for allergy and intolerance lists Author FHIMS author Steward HL7 Terminology Clinical Focus Identification of substances administered to patients Data element scope Reactant element of allergy or intolerance record Inclusion Criteria Specific substances administered to patients in the process of care provision Exclusion Criteria Substance classes (e.g., sulfa drugs); foods and environmental substances; expressions asserting absence of conditions; Actual conditions caused by exposure (reactions, allergies)
OID Name Common dietary substances for allergy and intolerance lists Author FHIMS author Steward HL7 Terminology Clinical Focus Identification of substances administered to patients Data element scope Reactant element of allergy or intolerance record Inclusion Criteria Foods ingested by patients, both specific (e.g., strawberry) and general (e.g., crustaceans); Substances that may be either foods or drugs (e.g., ethanol) Exclusion Criteria Environmental substances; expressions asserting absence of conditions; Actual conditions caused by exposure (reactions, allergies)
OID Name Common environmental substances for allergy and intolerance lists Author FHIMS author Steward HL7 Terminology Clinical Focus Identification of substances to which patients are exposed that may be responsible for allergic or other reactions Data element scope Reactant element of allergy or intolerance record Inclusion Criteria Environmental substances suspected of causing reactions Exclusion Criteria Drugs and foods; expressions asserting absence of conditions; Actual conditions caused by exposure (reactions, allergies)
OID Name Common negations of substance causes for allergy and intolerance lists Author FHIMS author Steward HL7 Terminology Clinical Focus Refutation of associations between substances and reactions Data element scope Reactant element of allergy or intolerance record Inclusion Criteria Assertions that a substance or class of substance does not cause adverse reactions in the patient Exclusion Criteria Substances; Actual conditions caused by exposure (reactions, allergies)
OID Name Common substances for allergy and intolerance lists Author FHIMS author Steward HL7 Terminology Clinical Focus Identification of substances administered to patients Data element scope Reactant element of allergy or intolerance record Inclusion Criteria Specific or general substances to which a patient may be exposed and which may be suspected of causing an adverse reaction Exclusion Criteria Actual conditions caused by exposure (reactions, allergies)