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Adding Print Names to a Concept Code

[Exposed under VS in application]

Both the registerCodeSystem and the selectCodeSystem branches allow additional print names to be added to existing concept codes.

Element addPrintNameToCode

Each addPrintNameToCode entry can have its own ballot status (see above). If omitted, the ballotStatus of the containing element will be used.

Attributes addPrintNameToCode
conceptCode The concept code to which the new print name is to be added.
conceptName A valid previous designation for concept code. Optional, but will be validated if it is supplied.
newPrintName The print name to be added to the concept code
languageCode The language code for the print name. Default is “en” for English
isPreferred Flag indicating whether the print name is preferred for the language. Default is “true”.

If the isPreferred flag is true, the default value, all other print names for the same concept code and language will have their isPreferred flags set to false.

Example XML for addPrintNameToCode

The example above adds two new German print names to concept code 1004 – LIGHT ALE. The first name, Pils, is the preferred German name.