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Catalog FHIR Profile Proposal
Catalog (Draft)
- Do we want to be specific and call this Order Catalog?
Profile balloting plans
Profile Details
Profiled Resource(s)
Constraints to be Applied
- Constraint subject to 0..0; Catalog is non patient specific
- Define value sets for documentTypeCode and Composition.class (or constrain out Composition.class)
Extensions to be Applied
- Add an extension for PublishedDate, unless SD wants to consider that for core
- Add an extension for ValidityPeriod, unless SD wants to consider that for core
- Provide for inclusion of subCompositions (subCatalogs) as an extension
- Determine how to address lifecycle stage (Draft, Published, etc)
Example Scenarios
Scope of coverage
Realm Neutral
Owning committee name
Contributing or Reviewing Work Groups
- Reviewing Work Group:
- Structured Documents
- Contributing WorkGroups:
- Pharmacy
- Clinical Decision Support
- Imaging Integration
- Service Oriented Architecture
Expected implementations
gForge Users
Claude Nanjo, Jose Teixera
FHIR Profile Development Project Insight ID
- Planning for Design Review in time for January 2018 Connectathon
Balloting Requirements
Choose one:
- Ballot with next FHIR DSTU or Normative Edition
Desired Ballot Date
- PutDesiredBallotDateHere