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2017-07-26 SGB Conference Call

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HL7 SGB Minutes


Date: 2017-MM-DD
Time: 10:00 AM Eastern
Facilitator Paul/Calvin Note taker(s) Anne
Attendee Name

Regrets Calvin Beebe
x Lorraine Constable
x Russ Hamm
x Tony Julian
x Paul Knapp
x Austin Kreisler
Regrets Wayne Kubick
x Thom Kuhn
Ken McCaslin
x Rik Smithies
x Sandy Stuart
Quorum: Chair + 4


  • Agenda review
  • Approve Minutes of 2017-07-19_SGB_Conference_Call
  • Action Items
    • Austin will make edit recommended by TSC regarding voting to the boilerplate M&C template and send on to management groups
    • Paul to find principles document and write precept on mixed ballot content
    • Paul to draft a precept on state machine alignment
    • Paul to develop detailed list of 23 items for FHIR ballot that were approved by WG to be STUs
    • Anne to add FGB review on first week in August agenda
    • Anne to do a Doodle poll of FGB/SGB/Lisa Nelson for either the FGB time or the SGB time for the week of the 8/14.
  • Discussion Topics
    • SGB Member terms/reappointments
    • Review GOC proposal for the Considered for Future Use ballot disposition
    • From PLA: Scope transition/abandonment
    • Revisit our current precepts and add who our precepts apply to and how they are to be implemented
    • Review PIC document on balloting best practices
  • Parking Lot
    • Review Publishing M&C updates regarding dual roles
    • Write/post precept on vitality assessment
    • Next steps on Substantivity (from ARB)
    • How do we deal with making sure that WGs involve those whose content domain they’re touching? (CIMI and Pharmacy and Lab models)
    • Review Mission and Charter
    • PSS approval process: managing unresponsive parties - propose new precept to TSC
    • Handling situations where two documents come out of one project
    • FHIR Product Director Position Description: we should 1) review further and draft feedback, then 2) map back the description to the role of FGB
    • Drafting Shared Product Management Responsibilities
    • Vocabulary precepts
    • General precepts
      • Precept around training WGs in CDA methodology and management principles
    • Levels of standards
    • Separation of concerns
    • Ownership of content
    • ISM
    • Ask methodology groups to define how the definition of substantive change applies to their product family; management groups must then operationalize
  • Agenda items for San Diego
    • Re-appointments to SGB


  • Paul welcomes new members Sandy and Thom and apprises them of the meeting schedule at the WGMs. Neither Sandy nor Thom can make the Friday SGB meeting in San Diego.
  • Agenda review
    • No additions
    • Discussion over upcoming CIMI/PLA call and timing. Need Austin, Mary Kay, Stan, and Richard at a minimum.
  • Approve Minutes of 2017-07-19_SGB_Conference_Call
    • MOTION to accept: Rik/Sandy
    • VOTE: Thom abstains. Remaining in favor.
  • Action Items
    • Austin will make edit recommended by TSC regarding voting to the boilerplate M&C template and send on to management groups
      • Add for next week
    • Paul to find principles document and write precept on mixed ballot content
      • Add for next week
    • Paul to draft a precept on state machine alignment
      • Add for next week
    • Paul to develop detailed list of 23 items for FHIR ballot that were approved by WG to be STUs
      • Paul updates group on where he's at on the list. Discussion over upcoming ANSI audit and if this material will be audited; it will not be at this time but it may be in the future after the material goes normative; at that point, they can look back into the STU phase. Paul has the list with where they were and what WG owns them and will start contacting WGs for approval dates.
    • Anne to add FGB review on first week in August agenda
      • Complete
    • Anne to do a Doodle poll of FGB/SGB/Lisa Nelson for either the FGB time or the SGB time for the week of the 8/14.
      • Decision to include week of the 21st as well, using both Monday and Wednesday times.
  • Discussion Topics
    • SGB Member terms/reappointments
      • Add Lorraine and Austin reappointments for 2 years to Monday's TSC agenda
      • Discussion over TSC-appointed SGB co-chair appointment and when it will be decided on by TSC. Will likely be after the TSC election in September.
    • Review GOC proposal for the Considered for Future Use ballot disposition
      • GOC proposed some changes to what we submitted - Austin clarifies that they took an early version of what we worked on. Group reviews our version vs. the version proposed by the GOC. Lorraine: The piece that is beyond the scope of the ballot subject material - we deliberately didn't restrict Considered for Future use to things beyond scope. This intent is not the same as what we drafted. We need to deal with two different types of Considered for Future Use: in the current scope and outside of the current scope. Lorraine suggests sending this back to them as the content for both the GOM and the ER since they didn't see this final version. Discussion over developing a precept regarding QA review before publication as a result of this guidance.
        • ACTION: Anne to send language back to Freida as comment from SGB
      • Add for next week
    • From PLA: Scope transition/abandonment
      • Add for next week
    • Revisit our current precepts and add who our precepts apply to and how they are to be implemented
      • Add for next week
    • Review PIC document on balloting best practices
      • Add for next week
  • Parking Lot
    • Review Publishing M&C updates regarding dual roles
    • Write/post precept on vitality assessment
    • Next steps on Substantivity (from ARB)
    • How do we deal with making sure that WGs involve those whose content domain they’re touching? (CIMI and Pharmacy and Lab models)
    • Review Mission and Charter
    • PSS approval process: managing unresponsive parties - propose new precept to TSC
    • Handling situations where two documents come out of one project
    • FHIR Product Director Position Description: we should 1) review further and draft feedback, then 2) map back the description to the role of FGB
    • Drafting Shared Product Management Responsibilities
    • Vocabulary precepts
    • General precepts
      • Precept around training WGs in CDA methodology and management principles
    • Levels of standards
    • Separation of concerns
    • Ownership of content
    • ISM
    • Ask methodology groups to define how the definition of substantive change applies to their product family; management groups must then operationalize
  • Agenda items for San Diego
    • Re-appointments to SGB

Meeting Outcomes

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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