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ITS SIG Sept 2007 WGM agenda
Revision as of 12:37, 7 August 2007 by Charliemccay (talk | contribs)
- Monday
- Q3 Election for co-chair
- Q4 (.5 hr with INM) -- New ITS Specification (+Guide)
- Tues
- Q1
- Q2 ISO Datatypes
- Q3
- Q4 New ITS Specification / XML ITS R1.1 (+Guide)
- Wed
- Q1 ISO datatypes
- Q2
- Q3 ISO datatypes
- Q4 New ITS Specification / XML ITS R1.1 (+Guide) + Planning for future
- Thurs
- Q1 with INM/SOA/MnM
- Q2 with INM
- Agenda items to add
- V2.XML (when Kai is available)
- ebXML
- webservices/removable media/other ITS work
- Constaints
- Charlie available Mon q4, Tues Q4, Wed Q4
- Grahame sb available Tues Q2, Wed Q1,3
- Kai available Mon, Tues