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FHIR Chemotherapy IG

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Welcome to the HL7 FHIR Chemotherapy IG Wiki!

The FHIR Chemotherapy Implementation Guide (IG) helps to ensure that chemotherapy-related medical information is properly represented in HL7 FHIR, and addresses the needs of ordering chemotherapy in various scenarios and countries. This wiki page is for facilitation of ongoing discussions.


Mary Visceglia National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) (
Marten Smits Furore (

Project Sponsors

Primary sponsor: Clinical Decision Support

Project co-sponsors: Pharmacy, Patient Care

Project Information

At the January 2017 Working Group Meeting in San Antonio, TX, participants convened to discuss the creation of a group dedicated to representing chemotherapy-related medical information in FHIR. There was quite a bit of interest among members from many different countries, and we decided to set up an international chemotherapy implementation guide to address this need.

Please contact Mary or Marten for more information or for how to get involved!


Source for the International Chemotherapy Implementation Guide is located here: It has been connected to the IG build tooling so that commits to the repository automatically result in a build that is published here:


Website Facilitator

Peter Lamb National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) (
Please let me know about any content changes, updates, etc. Thanks!


Bryn Rhodes Database Consulting Group LLC (
Lee Surprenant IBM (