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Pharmacy FHIR Maturity Project

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Pharmacy FHIR Maturity Project

The ONC Office of Standards and Technology (OST) seeks to support expanded use of HL7 FHIR standards beyond use cases defined by the ONC Certification Programs Efforts underway to support the expanded use of the FHIR standard for medication management

The key objective for this project is to enhance FHIR Medication related resources based on feedback from the Argonaut Project, HL7 work groups and industry implementers.

  • Medication Order (renamed to Medication Request!)
  • Medication Administration
  • Medication
  • Medication Statement
  • Medication Dispense

Support the Pharmacy WG in moving the Pharmacy FHIR resources to a higher maturity level

Meeting Information

  • Conference calls take place on Oct 26, November 9, November 23 and November 30 from 3-4pm Eastern time.

Key Links

Project Team

Project Sponsor – ONC

  • Tricia Lee Wilkins -
  • Mera Choi -


  • Brett Marquard -
  • Eric Haas

Pharmacy SME

  • Melva Peters –

Project Coordinator

  • Saurav Chowdhury -


  • Kickoff meeting held September 13, 2016
  • Meeting with Pharmacy WG at HL7 WGM in Baltimore
  • Agreement on creation of Project Scope Statement
  • 9 month project duration
  • Completion date: June 30, 2017

Activities and Deliverables

  • Planned use cases
    • Patient access to medications
    • Dispense medication from pharmacy
    • Create new outpatient prescription
    • Add new medication to patient medication list
    • Access to medication administration
  • Enhance and/or develop US profiles
  • Deliverables
    • Implementation guide or supporting documentation for the 5 medication profiles
    • Validation scripts to test for conformance to the profiles.
    • Additional guidance documents to support testing needs
    • Connectathon in January

Link to Approved Project Scope Statement

  • Approved by the HL7 TSC – October 24, 2016

Pharmacy FHIR Maturity Project

Implementers Meetings