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2016-01-11 PA WGM Minutes

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Patient Administration Work Group Minutes - January 11, 2015

Monday Q1

HL7 Patient Administration Meeting Minutes

Location: Room # Winter Park 49

Date: 2016-01-11
Time: Monday Q1
Facilitator Line Saele Scribe Alex de Leon
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Irma Jongeneel HL7 Netherlands
X Alex de Leon Kaiser Permanente
X Line Saele HL7 Norway
X Brian Postlethwaite HealthConnex, Australia
X Nat Wong HL7 Australia
X Christian Hay GS1
X Iryna Roy Gevity/HL7 Canada
X Jim Whicker Cognosante
Quorum Requirements Met (Chair + 2 members): Yes


Agenda Topics

Supporting Documents


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
The WG reviewed the agenda for the week.
Irma moves to accept the agenda as reviewed. Brian reviewed.
Vote (for/against/abstain): 7/0/0

The WG continued to review the Mission and Charter
The WG discussed the scope of work which includes personnel management and scheduling and whether this affects the mission and further if it should affect the name. The idea was floated to change the name to Administrative Management.
Motion: Made by Irma to change the name of the work group from Patient Administration to Administrative Management. Alex seconded.
Discussion: The WG discussed many options which resulted in the withrdrawal of the motion.
Jim suggested that we list the concepts we want to cover and think more on any name changes to the work group. The work group was amenable to this suggestion.
The WG continued with the review of the mission, which seems to need an extension to include the scope of the work in which it engages.
In looking at the page for Scheduling and Logistics, it seems that half the scope of work (scheduling) should be part of the PA domain, which the other half (Logistics) should be part of another work group as it deals mainly with restocking, supplies, etc. While looking at the Materials Management chapter (17) the WG noted that it shows Orders and Observations as the sponsoring work group.
Action: Irma will talk to Hans Buitendijk as one of the co chairs of OnO to assure that they know that they are the steward of chapter 17 (Materials Management).
Motion: Brian moved to add scheduling to the mission statement, Iryna seconded.
Discussion: None
Vote: 7/0/0
Action Item: Update the mission statement to include Scheduling. Owner: Line
The Co-Chair will discuss this at the steering division tonight as well.
The WG noted that there needs to be an addition to the formal relationships section to include FHIR Infrastructure
Action: Update the Formal Relationship with other HL7 Groups to include FHIR Infrastructure
Irma moves to move the scheduling and logistics reference to the bottom of the web page and include reference to the archived personnel management page. Iryna seconds
Discussion: none
Vote: 6/0/0
Action: move the top header which now shows Scheduling and Logistics (Archived) to the bottom of the page and add Personnel management.
Action: Personnel management page to refer back to Patient Administration.

The WG reviewed the DMP.
Motion: Jim moves to accept the DMP, Nat seconds.
Discussion: None
Vote: 7/0/0

The WG continued with the 3 year work plan. Addition was made for the HAVE/TEP project and the project number was updated to 1123 for the FHIR DSTU 2 project.
The WG reviewed the SWOT. No changes were suggested or made.

Meeting Outcomes

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • Action: Irma will talk to Hans Buitendijk as one of the co chairs of OnO to assure that they know that they are the steward of chapter 17 (Materials Management).
  • Action: Update the mission statement to include Scheduling. Owner: Line
  • Action: Update the Formal Relationship with other HL7 Groups to include FHIR Infrastructure
  • Action: Action: move the top header which now shows Scheduling and Logistics (Archived) to the bottom of the page and add Personnel management.
  • Action: Action: Personnel management page to refer back to Patient Administration.
  • Action:
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • .

Monday Q2

HL7 Patient Administration Meeting Minutes

Location: Winter Park Room 49

Date: 2016-01-11
Time: Monday Q2
Facilitator Irma Jongeneel Scribe Alex de Leon
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Irma Jongeneel HL7 Netherlands
X Alex de Leon Kaiser Permanente, USA
X Brian Postlethwaite HealthConnex, Australia
X Line Saele HL7 Norway
X Peter Bernhardt Relay Health, USA
X Andrew Torres Cerner
X Iryna Roy HL7 Canada
X Christian Hay GS1
X Jim Whicker Cognosante, USA
X Sean Moor EPIC, USA
X Nat Wong HL7 Australia
X Steve Bauman McKesson, USA
X Toril Reite HL7 Norway
X Dennis Basinger eviCore Healthcare, USA
Quorum Requirements Met (Chair +2 members): Yes


Agenda Topics

  1. Open Session for new proposals
  1. Feedback from implementation of Appointment Resource
  2. Feedback from implementation of Encounter Resource

Supporting Documents


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
The WG opened the meeting with solicitations for FHIR Appointment and Encounter resource usage.
EPIC showed their workflow for appointments and the services they’ve developed using the scheduling resources (Appointment, Schedule, Slot, AppointmentResponse).
Queries for Providers for scheduling. The assumption is that you know which provider you want to make an appointment with.
The perspective was from a patient who would want to make an appointment. Today the service allows querying for a specific day although the service can be updated to allow for a range of dates.
The WG continued to discuss the slot, appointment and schedule resources with the EPIC representative regarding their workflow and their usage of these within the connectathon. One question was about the return or response of the appointment, which as has been implemented only allows for one type of appointment, with the idea that the requestor would be looking for a specific type of appointment.
CERNER. Their focus from the patient perspective has been on query based on location as in what might be closest to the location of the requestor (patient at work, patient at home, etc.).
Action: Explore an easier way to find schedule with available slots. Owner: Brian
MPI Feedback
How do we declare what type of searching is done on patient? The search query
Action: For MPI searches, further define the query. Owner: Brian
The WG noted that we should encourage the use of the Encounter resource to help raise the maturity level of that resource.
Practitioner and Location resource discussion.
Wed Q1 would be best to provide feedback for the usage of these two resources.

Meeting Outcomes

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • Action: Explore an easier way to find schedule with available slots. Owner: Brian
  • Action: For MPI searches, further define the query. Owner: Brian
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • .

Monday Q3

HL7 Patient Administration Meeting Minutes

Location: Room # Winter Park Room 49

Date: 2016-01-11
Time: Monday Q3
Facilitator Irma Jongeneel Scribe Alex de Leon
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Irma Jongeneel HL7 Netherlands
X Line Saele HL7 Norway
X Alex de Leon Kaiser Permanente
X Christian Hay GS1
X Jim Whicker Cognosante, USA
X Toril Reite HL7 Norway
X Alexander Henket Nictiz, The Netherlands
Quorum Requirements Met (Chair + 2 members): Yes


Agenda Topics

  1. Ballot reconciliation of CMETs

Supporting Documents


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
V3 Patient Administration CMETS Rel 2 PIID 978 Ballot passed. The chair suggested sending thank you messages to those who voted. It was clarified that this was normative. So, we need to submit a publication request.
Motion: By Alexander seconded by Line to request publication of the normative standard for Patient Administration CMETS.
Discussion: None
Vote: 6/0/0
Action: Submit a publication request. Owner: Line
Action: Send a thank you to the voters for voting and passing of the CMETS. Owner: Line Since this was the primary work for the quarter and it was complete, the WG reviewed the minutes for the previous WGM. It was clear from the review that the attendance lists were not updated correctly which should be corrected.
Action: Update the attendance list. Owner: Alex de Leon

Meeting Outcomes

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • Action: Submit a publication request. Owner: Line
  • Action: Send a thank you to the voters for voting and passing of the CMETS. Owner: Line
  • Action: Update the attendance list. Owner: Alex de Leon
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • .

Monday Q4

HL7 Patient Administration Meeting Minutes

Location: Room # 1367

Date: 2016-01-11
Time: Monday Q4
Facilitator Line Saele Scribe Alex de Leon
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Irma Jongeneel HL7 Netherlands
X Line Saele HL7 Norway
X Alex de Leon Kaiser Permanente, USA
X Christian Hay GS1
Quorum Requirements Met (Chair + 2 members): Yes


Agenda Topics

  1. Approve Atlanta Minutes
  2. Plan next meeting Draft Agenda
  3. Harmonization proposals
  4. v2 work

Supporting Documents


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
The WG continued with reviewing the work to be done for PA v2 tables.

Military Ranks

Alex Action Item - PA decision: No suggested values and remove the values in 2.9. Include following URLs for example values as part of implementation notes:
(add US link)

Action Item: On 12/15/15 call PA wanted to examine code 'N' for table 433 in more detail, and get back to the project with the desired printname and any updates to the code description.
Alex moves to remove the N value and description from table 0433. Christian seconds.
Discussion: None
Vote: 3/0/0
Action: Communicate to the v2 project to remove the above. Alex
Action Item: (Alex/Wendy) Contact CGIT co-chairs, and Brian Pech from publishing and Tony Julian from INM to see if this is possible to update this table 452 as noted above. Same for tables 453, 454. Also contact Heather Grain on the HTA. If approved, then the PAWG would like to change the table to user-defined, remove suggested values and reference the appropriate level of the ANSI ASC X12 Health Care Provider by table.
Action item: Follow up with Wendy on action items. Followed up with Ted

Meeting Outcomes

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • Alex Action Item - PA decision: No suggested values and remove the values in 2.9. Include following URLs for example values as part of implementation notes:
  • Action: Communicate to the v2 project to remove the above. Alex
  • Action Item: (Alex/Wendy) Contact CGIT co-chairs, and Brian Pech from publishing and Tony Julian from INM to see if this is possible to update this table 452 as noted above. Same for tables 453, 454. Also contact Heather Grain on the HTA. If approved, then the PAWG would like to change the table to user-defined, remove suggested values and reference the appropriate level of the ANSI ASC X12 Health Care Provider by table.
  • Action item: Follow up with Wendy on action items. Followed up with Ted
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • .


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