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2016-09-09 HSI CALL

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 18:52, 9 September 2016 by L heermannlangford (talk | contribs) (→‎Agenda/Minutes)
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  • <TBD>


  • Attendees : Laura, Todd, Didi, Tone
  • Introductions, Agenda Review, etc.
  • Approve Minutes from previous call 2016.08.26 Didi made the motion to approve. Seconded by Tone - 1= Abstain, 0 = Oppose, Motion passes with 2 approvals.
  • Action Item Review:
  • get the glossary content onto a wiki site.
  • Send it back to the leadership requesting the work and have them implement it through their leadership channels.
  • HSI Glossary
  • <tbd>
  • PSS Template - Update & Plan
  • New Business
  • IHE Discussion on providing guidance to Domains in use of FHIR
  • IHE Intl board retreat report out - need to have more marketing communications from IHE that we need to be sharing with HL7.
  • IHE is working on how to have a consistent message on how FHIR could/should be used within IHE Profiles.
  • Are there opportunities to do joint education with IHE and HL7 regarding FHIR? Definite maybe.... Request to Tone to put together a proposal of what could happen.
  • IPS PSS- request for HSI co-sponsorship - reviewed the document and discussed. Motion made to approve the co-sponsorship of this PSS made by Todd. Seconded by Didi. Abstain = 0, Oppose=0 , Approved = 3