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ITS SIG open action items

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Item: 1091

Opened 20060511

reference to WS-Addressing in the profile needs to updated.

  • 20060511: San Antonio WGM: From joint InM/XML minutes Thursday Q1.
    • WS-Addressing is not [sic] a W3C specification (done). The Web services profile can now point to a full specification not a draft.
    • The reference to WS-Addressing in the profile needs to updated. (Roberto, and to review that we are conformant with the final version).
  • 20060911: Larson: This is not on the Wiki. Has this been done? Is it still active?
  • 20060913: Larson: Late entry to Wiki based on InM minutes from San Antonio WGM; Roberto R; W3C
  • 20060913: Charlie will speak to Roberto
  • 20070326: Charlie sent email to Roberto
  • 20070326: Charlie - moved to ITS SIG action items as ITS SIG responsible for specification

Item: 1107

Clarify with MnM how you refer to model artifacts within the XML ITS, XML ITS

  • Charlie McCay to clarify with MnM how you refer to model artifacts within the XML ITS. (Mark suggests to write a document and propose it to MnM.)
  • 20060914: Opened
  • 20061002: Telcon still open
  • 2006-11-13 Open
  • 20070110: Still a good idea. To be transferred to ITS Sig
  • 20070326: Charlie created as an ITS SIG action -- suggest that it is closed here

ITEM 1118

Document gap between XML Schema and ITS Capabilities, XML

  • 2006-11-13 - New. Grahame to detail those requirements of the XML and UML ITS' that cannot be represented by XML Schemas. Related to Normative XML ITS Schema INM Workitem.
  • 20070110 - still undergoing further development. To be transferred to ITS Sig
  • 20070326 - Charlie: added item to ITS SIG list -- suggest closed here

ITEM 1119

Propose an official status for XML schemas

  • 2006-11-13 - New. Grahame to contact HQ and see if there is an ANSI-defined status that conveys a level of correctness and support to implementers, but that stops short of "normative" and all of the burden that comes with it. If none exist, will propose a new status (e.g., "HL7 Sanctioned"). Related to Normative XML ITS Schema INM Workitem.
  • 20070110 - Still waiting for response - To chase up and transfer this item to ITS Sig


  • 20070326 request sent to Mike Kingery by Charlie McCay

Please could the XML SIG be renamed the ITS SIG in the concalls application -- it may start to confuse folk that do not have long memories