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V3 Publishing ConCall Minutes 20151222
Revision as of 18:26, 22 December 2015 by Llaakso (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Return to Publishing Committee Minutes of Recent Publishing Conference Calls ==Schedule== Tuesday, December 22...")
Return to Publishing Committee
Minutes of Recent Publishing Conference Calls
Tuesday, December 22, 2015 -- 1:00 PM Eastern
Publishing Conference Call -
GoToMeeting ID: 788-063-525
Conference Call: HL7 Conference Call Service:
- Phone: 770-657-9270
- Passcode: 657896
- Regrets
- Roll call and agenda
- Approve Minutes of previous meetings Dec 8,
- White Paper Template PSS - hold for WGM
- ANT Refactor Project -
- Announcements -
- Around the Table
- Upcoming call schedule - cancel Jan 5 call
- Adjourn
- call to order 1:03 PM - Andy Brian and Lynn
- Minutes of 12/8 Moved approval by Lynn second by Brian unanimously approved
- White paper templates PSS - hold for WGM
- ANT Refactor Project - no activity
- Announcements -
- Lynn has created a placeholder for Normative_Edition_2016_Review_List_by_WG and will promote its availability at the WGM
- Around the table:
- Lynn notes that RIM R7 has not yet had a publication request and she will follow up with the MnM cochairs; Ted responded to defer any knowledge of it.
- Discussion of FHIR publishing doodle poll for scheduling a session at WGM and the current/future state of FHIR publication
- Upcoming call schedule - cancel Jan 5 call
- adjourned 1:40 PM