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2015-10-20 US Realm SC Call

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US Realm Steering Committee Call Agenda/Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#

Date: 2015-mm-dd
Time: 1 PM Eastern
Co-Chairs Ed/Ken Note taker(s) Anne
Attendee / Name
Calvin Beebe Keith Boone Hans Buitendijk
Lorraine Constable Johnathan Coleman Ed Hammond
Tony Julian Paul Knapp Austin Kreisler
Ken McCaslin Brian Pech John Quinn
Mark Roche Sandra Stuart Pat Van Dyke
Anne Wizauer . .
Visitor / Name
no quorum definition




  • Issues around Extending DSTUs cited in US Regulation:
    • Should DSTU timing be changed? Two year period seems too short as many are requesting extensions
    • How should we note which DSTUs have been superceded/need to be able to see most recent and prior versions on standards page when appropriate


PSS Approval Request from the CIC WG for Trauma Registry Data Submission CDA R2

  • Paul asked about the datatypes. Jay gave an example that they are using a physical trauma type. There are no alterations to existing data types.
  • This supercedes the other PSS referenced in the Lineage section of the PSS.
  • Motion by Kreisler for PSS approval. Knapp seconded. Approved unanimously.

PSS Approval Request from the Structured Docs WG for Occupational Data for Health

  • It was noticed that the PSS didn’t differ from the last time it came to the USRSC. The PSS was to go to the PHER WG as primary sponsor to become a supplemental guide as the current scope is more in the PHER WG realm.
  • Mark and Zachary came back to the USRSC to see if they can re-scope to limit the number of data elements from occupation industry so it can be C-CDA and hence SD WG focused.
  • Austin suggests that SD WG be the one to determine if the scope should be reduced.
  • If PSS is to move past USRSC, the PSS should be approved by SD WG and PHER WG with any scope changes.
  • Motion: Refer PSS back to SD and PHER WGs to sort out who will sponsor which pieces and who will cosponsor which pieces. However they resolve it, that it be consistent across all the documentation as there will be overlapping data. Unanimously approved.

PSS Approval Request from CQI WG for Whitepaper to Explore Clinical Quality Data Sharing Use Cases

  • Floyd described the project. Faciliated by EHR vendors and supported by ONC. Ballot will be Comment Only.
  • Motion to approve PSS by Buitendijk; seconded by Knapp.
  • Austin: The TSC and PIC are currently discussing about how to handle White Papers.
  • Discussion: Comment ballot will result in the White Paper residing on the Work Group web page in their document section. An Informative ballot will allow it to reside in the standards area.
  • The USRSC recommends changing the PSS to be Informative. Floyd can check with the Work Group to deside how much exposure they want the White Paper to receive. So the USRSC will be fine if the PSS is for Comment or Informative, whichever the Work Group decides.
  • Unanimously approved.

PSS Approval Request for HL7 v2 genomics report lite PSS

  • CG WG is meeting after the PSS deadline, so it may be decided that CG and OO will be flipping sponsorship/co-sponsor. Regardless, the two WGs will work closely together.
  • The relationship to LRI is the reason this PSS is marked as US Realm.
  • Motion to approve PSS by Buitendijk; seconded by Kreisler. Unanimously approved

PSS Approval Request for Guideline Appropriate Ordering Profile PSS

  • Based on the Risks, Ed suggests adding CQI WG be added as a cosponsor. Hans agreed that they should be asked, however if they decline, Hans and the group are fine that they not be a co-sponsor. The key is that they have been asked to be a co-sponsor.
  • The Project Team wanted to try one of these IHE ballots before broadening the scope. The coordination with IHE is why HSI is listed as a co-sponsor.
  • Floyd indicated that CQI is meeting this Friday and asked Keith to attend the meeting.
  • Dave to forward PSS to Floyd.
  • Keith indicated they do intend on meeting with FMG for this PSS.
  • Motion to approve PSS by Buitendijk; seconded by Boone. Unanimously approved.

Meeting Outcomes

  • Dave to forward Guideline Appropriate Ordering Profile PSS to Floyd.
  • Keith to attend FMG for the Guideline Appropriate Ordering Profile PSS.

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

We ran out of time on today's call and stopped at the following place in the Agenda, hence put these items on the next call's agenda.


  • Issues around Extending DSTUs cited in US Regulation:
    • Should DSTU timing be changed? Two year period seems too short as many are requesting extensions
    • How should we note which DSTUs have been superceded/need to be able to see most recent and prior versions on standards page when appropriate

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