August 04, 2015 CBCC Conference Call
Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting
Meeting Information
Member Name | x | Member Name | x | Member Name | ||||
x | Johnathan ColemanCBCC Co-Chair | x | Mike Davis Security Co-Chair | Max Walker CBCC Co-Chair | ||||
x | Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair | x | John Moehrke Security Co-Chair | . | Jim Kretz CBCC Co-Chair | |||
x | Kathleen Connor | . | Ken Salyards CBCC Interim Co-Chair | Lori Simon CBCC Interim Co-Chair | ||||
x | Diana Proud-Madruga | x | Rick Grow | x | Harry Rhodes | |||
x | Serafina Versaggi | x | Ioana Singureanu | David Bergman | ||||
Steve Eichner | . | Steve Daviss | . | Wende Baker | ||||
x | Reed Gelzer | . | Marlowe Greenberg | . | Chris Clark, WV | |||
. | Paul Knapp | . | Matt Peeling | Brian Newton | ||||
Lisa Nelson | . | Mike Lardiere | . | Amanda Nash | ||||
. | Mohammed Jafari | Oliver Lawless | Keith Boone | |||||
x | Neelima Chennamaraja | Susan Litton | Sandra Huyck | |||||
. | William Kinsley | x | Debbie Bucci | Chirag Bhatt | ||||
. | Linda Bailey-Woods | x | Lee Wise | Lori McNeil Tolley |
- (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Meeting Minutes from July 21, 2015 CBCC Conference Call
- (05 min) Patient Friendly Language for Consumer User Interfaces - (Standing Agenda Item) - Update
- (10 min) TSC Review on Outstanding work for: HL7 Version 3 Domain Analysis Model: Behavioral Health Record, Release 2 (PI ID: 1174) (1st Informative Ballot) (Project Insight ID: 1174) - update
- Unique Ballot ID: V3_DAM_BH_R2_I1_2015SEP
- (10 min) (Sequoia?) discussion: Vocabulary alignment, code incompatibility (Mike)
- i.e. TREATMENT vs TREAT in HL7 vs NHIN
- ISO group privacy engineering project
- (05 min) Data Provenance IG Update (Standing Agenda item)
- Behavioral Health Domain Analysis Model (HL7 BH DAM) Update update
- PASS Access Control Services Conceptual Model - (Standing agenda item) update (Diana)
- Joint EHR, Security, Privacy Vocabulary Alignment - (Standing agenda item) update (Diana/Mike)
- (10 min) Action Item Review (if any)
- October 2015 CBCC Working Group Meeting - Atlanta, GA 29th Annual Plenary & Working Group Meeting October 4-9, 2015
- Please send desired items to Suzanne for inclusion to the upcoming Agenda
- October 2015 CBCC Working Group Meeting - Atlanta, GA 29th Annual Plenary & Working Group Meeting October 4-9, 2015
Meeting Minutes (DRAFT)
Approve Meeting Minutes from July 28, 2015 CBCC Conference Call
The minutes from the July 28 meeting
Patient Friendly Language for CUI - Update
- request made to remove remaining negative votes sent
- received verbal agreement change from John Moehrke (need to confirm is verbal was also for GE-Scott Bolte, GE-Keith Boone);
- awaiting vote changes from:
- Lenel James (e-mail agreement received on 5/14/2015 based on proposed changes which addressed his concerns)
- Harry Rhodes (e-mail agreement received on 8/5/2015 confirming desire to withdraw his Negative vote)
- David Tucker, Anthem
TSC Review on Outstanding work for: HL7 Version 3 Domain Analysis Model: Behavioral Health Record, Release 2 (PI ID: 1174) (1st Informative Ballot) (Project Insight ID: 1174)
- Unique Ballot ID: V3_DAM_BH_R2_I1_2015SEP
- 1 recirculation needed; 1 unpublished ballot; 75% of projects > 120 days; 4 idle ballots; 3 missing recon pkgs
- these are non-issues (information was reported at the Paris meeting that were responded to, including legacy items) and no outstanding items should be remaining
- NIB for project is being held up / initial ballot material.. due August 23,
- next TSC meeting will be held: ? (follow up with Melva/John Roberts)
- Johnathan is writing up a review for the TSC given at Paris meeting
- co-chairs will be responsible for follow up on administrivia
e-mail: The TSC will be considering the ballot list again next week. Would you please send some words of reassurance that the project work load is not a matter of concern, specifically, not a risk to the ballot item you want on the ballot list this cycle. (John Roberts)
Per Ioana: This project does not have any outstanding work: it' s a new project. The outstanding work items may to other ballots or project but not this one.
For instance, Privacy Consent Normative - for instance - that may require re-circulation.
Recommend: Review the outstanding items. Assign them for resolution so we can reassure the TSC that the work group is making progress. Outstanding items:
BH DAM NIB sent; original ballot information was added to GForge
- time in the meanwhile to receive comments from the SME, we have until August 3 to finalize the documentation.
- note and reminder being sent by Iaana for final contact submissions
- Call on Thursday for discussion on the BH DAM
PASS Access Control Services been in discussion w SMEs, Diana is finalizing the entries into the document based on discussion
- hoping to have items published and sent out by the end of this week
Joint EHR, Security Privacy Vocabulary
- meeting held this AM
- shared Terms worksheet "Originate (VERB)" definition - from an EHR point of view
- agree with the direction with which group is moving to include the concise definition and an additional extended definition found on the extended definition tab
- suggestion made to place all items on one spreadsheet to make more usable
- RI at the top of the sheet stands for Record Infrastructure
- conversation continues between technology vs policy
If you are interested in joining to assist with the Vocabulary Alignment project definitions: * Vocabulary Alignment Meeting: Tuesdays @ 8:00 a.m. Pacific (11:00 a.m. Eastern). * Join WebEx meeting <> * Meeting number: 731 143 084 * Meeting password: And8rea14
- Join by phone
- 1-866-469-3239 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
- 1-650-429-3300 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
- Access code: 731 143 084
Voca 2.0 of XSPA specificiation want to refere to the HL7 vocabulary, except the e-Health exchange especially in Treatment and emergency Treatement (some is the same/some different) possibly oversite on our side
- harmonization/harmonization mapping should have come earlier
- trying to figure out how to deal with this
- handling instructions for POU which could handle
- could we change the HL7 coe for TREAT to be TREATEMNT.. what would be the impact (is there international impact, has this been fully implement, could this alighment happen?)
- this is the biggest issue
- Sequoia new name for HelatheWay, which has picked up the management of the NHIN e-health exchange
- share: Exchange Synopsis 31 - Criminial charges and risk assessments
its important that we get the vocabulary into standards; to align the vocabs aligned in the documetns (and consent directives) and assertions--makes this a lot easier for Access Control
- additionally TREAT and TREATMENT can be allowed during migration;
- in theory its what Sequoia can ask their people what is reasonable to do.
- completely change the vocabulary from TREAT to TREATMENT
meeting adjourned: Johnathan/Diana