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July 07, 2015 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information


Member Name x Member Name x Member Name
x Johnathan ColemanCBCC Co-Chair x Mike Davis Security Co-Chair Max Walker CBCC Co-Chair
x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair x John Moehrke Security Co-Chair x Jim Kretz CBCC Co-Chair
x Kathleen Connor . Ken Salyards CBCC Interim Co-Chair Lori Simon CBCC Interim Co-Chair x Diana Proud-Madruga x Rick Grow Harry Rhodes
Serafina Versaggi x Ioana Singureanu David Bergman
Steve Eichner . Steve Daviss
. Wende Baker
Reed Gelzer . Marlowe Greenberg . Chris Clark, WV
. Paul Knapp . Matt Peeling Brian Newton
Lisa Nelson x Mike Lardiere . Amanda Nash
. Mohammed Jafari Oliver Lawless Keith Boone
x Neelima Chennamaraja x Susan Litton Sandra Huyck
x William Kinsley x Debbie Bucci Chirag Bhatt
. Linda Bailey-Woods x Lee Wise Lori McNeil Tolley

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Meeting Minutes from June 30, 2015 CBCC Conference Call
  2. (10 min) Project Scope Statement - PASS Access Control - Mike/Diana
  3. ACS model (?)
  4. (30 min) Patient Friendly Language for Consumer User Interfaces - (Standing Agenda Item) Update
    1. Comments up for vote - [1]
    2. Link to: GForge/updated PFL Ballot reconciliation sheet
  5. (05 min) Ballot reconciliation: Data Provenance (Standing Agenda item)
  6. Behavioral Health Domain Analysis Model (HL7 BH DAM) Update update
  7. (05 min) October 2015 CBCC Working Group Meeting - Atlanta, GA 29th Annual Plenary & Working Group Meeting October 4-9, 2015
    1. Please send desired items to Suzanne for inclusion to the upcoming Agenda
  8. (10 min) Action Item Review (if any)

Meeting Minutes (DRAFT)

Unanmous approval on meeting minutes for June 30,

PSS Approved per friendly amendment in the FTSD -

  • Note the DSTU had expired, this is a follow on to the project (administrative change)
  • possible updates to scope where the ACS model enters in
    • ACS will extend the PSS
  • no editing of the current scope except verbal), to extend the scope to include features in the ACS model
  • the orginal DSTU was very tightly coupled to models 10-81-3 and PMAC type which did not address obligations
  • we are adding material to conceptually talk about oblications. The use of OpenID, OAuth, Kantara. Adding services that in the AC frameworkmodel to cover that--so that we have a conceptual model for these items. We are reconfiguring the name to be an AC Framework if you will. The additional components including a model for a Trust Framework inside of an AC framework. we will include the pointers for the other privacy protective service that are part of the obligations that needs to be enforced.
  • Discussed with the FTSD, little backward because they are only meeting once a motnh---so approved once CBCC, Security approve Security co-chairs will submit back to the Steering Division.

On the May 26, 2015 CBCC WG teleconference, members unanimously approved the dispositions for the following comments:

  • #s 18-30;
  • #s 32-60;
  • #s 63-64;
  • #s 67-77; and
  • #s 79-127

On today's teleconference, members will vote on the dispositions for the following comments:

  • #s 1-13 (John Moehrke's comments)

  • #s 14-16 (Lindsey Hoggle's comments)
    • In an email response to Rick dated June 24, 2015, Lindsey said she would withdraw her negative vote based on the dispositions for these comments.
  • # 17 (Diana Warner's comment)
    • In an email response to Rick dated May 27, 2015, Diana said she had changed her vote to affirmative based on the disposition for this comment.
  • # 31 (Freida Hall's comment)
    • In an email response to Rick dated May 27, 2015, Freida confirmed that publishing the ballot document with bookmarks is an acceptable disposition for this comment.
  • #s 61-62 (Ioana Singureanu's comments)
    • CBCC WG members have reviewed and discussed patient friendly translations for substances of use/abuse/dependence during recent teleconferences and offline. The dispositions for Ioana's comments state that the substance terms and their patient friendly translations will be added to the vocabulary mapping table of the ballot document.
  • # 65 (Mitra Rocca's comment)
    • We are awaiting a response from Mitra regarding the FDA's suggestion for a patient friendly translation of "Adverse Event."
  • #66 (Walter Suarez and Tim McKay's comment)
    • In an email response to Rick dated June 22, 2015, Walter said that he has reviewed the revisions made to the ballot document and believes they address his concerns adequately.
  • #78 (Clement McDonald's comment)
    • Proposed disposition: Rick replaced "stomach" with "belly area" as the patient friendly translation for "abdomen" based on the discussion held on the CBCC WG teleconference on May 26, 2015.