DAF FHIR Profile Proposal
Data Access Framework (DAF) FHIR Profile Proposal
This project aims to create Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) Profiles for access to discrete meaningful-use information as FHIR resource instances. In some cases, the profiles will extend beyond meaningful use data requirements based on stakeholder feedback. This project will not create a profile for document access since this is covered by the Integrating Healthcare Enterprise Mobile access to Health Documents (IHE MHDv2).
The Artifacts to be produced as part of this project include: 1. Define profiles on selected FHIR resources that define additional search criteria for retrieving those resources. 2. Define a conformance resource instance that defines expectant system behavior on server side, client side for DAF conformant systems. Project expects one for client, and one for servers. 3. Create profiles on selected FHIR resources identifying minimum data and corresponding constraints and value sets for query response.This activity may overlap with C-CDA on FHIR activities to some extent. See notes below on coordination with C-CDA on FHIR project. 4. Define a DAF implementation guide that organizes and provides context for the above artifacts.
Coordination with CCDA on FHIR project:
This project will coordinate with the C-CDA on FHIR project to minimize duplicate profiles on common resources. An additional profile will only be created if the C-CDA profile doesn’t already exist for the resource, or the C-CDA profile doesn’t include required data elements in a current resource to support DAF. Coordination with the C-CDA on FHIR will be done by engagement with the work groups responsible for FHIR resources. Where multiple profiles are required on the same resource, common data elements will be kept in alignment; Where different profiles require different scope in near term, additional work will be done in future to bring back into alignment.The DAF Profile(s) will build from the existing work of the Standards & Interoperability (S&I) Data Access Framework (DAF) Initiative.
Profile Details
This project aims to create Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) Profiles for access to discrete meaningful-use information as FHIR resource instances. In some cases, the profiles will extend beyond meaningful use data requirements based on stakeholder feedback. This project will not create a profile for document access since this is covered by the Integrating Healthcare Enterprise Mobile access to Health Documents (IHE MHDv2).
The Artifacts to be produced as part of this project include: 1. Define profiles on selected FHIR resources that define additional search criteria for retrieving those resources. 2. Define a conformance resource instance that defines expectant system behavior on server side, client side for DAF conformant systems. Project expects one for client, and one for servers. 3. Create profiles on selected FHIR resources identifying minimum data and corresponding constraints and value sets for query response.This activity may overlap with C-CDA on FHIR activities to some extent. See notes below on coordination with C-CDA on FHIR project. 4. Define a DAF implementation guide that organizes and provides context for the above artifacts.
Coordination with CCDA on FHIR project:
This project will coordinate with the C-CDA on FHIR project to minimize duplicate profiles on common resources. An additional profile will only be created if the C-CDA profile doesn’t already exist for the resource, or the C-CDA profile doesn’t include required data elements in a current resource to support DAF. Coordination with the C-CDA on FHIR will be done by engagement with the work groups responsible for FHIR resources. Where multiple profiles are required on the same resource, common data elements will be kept in alignment; Where different profiles require different scope in near term, additional work will be done in future to bring back into alignment.The DAF Profile(s) will build from the existing work of the Standards & Interoperability (S&I) Data Access Framework (DAF) Initiative. -->
Parent Resource
Constraints to be Applied
- Constraint 1
- Constraint 2
Extensions to be Applied
- Extension 1
- Extension 2
Example Scenarios
Scope of coverage
Owning committee name
Contributing or Reviewing Work Groups
- Work Group Name
- or link
- or "None"
Expected implementations
gForge Users
FHIR Profile Development Project Insight ID
- TargetDateForInternalReview
Balloting Requirements
Choose one:
- Ballot with next FHIR DSTU or Normative Edition
- or Ballot independently as DSTU
- or Realm specific ballot
- or No Ballot
Desired Ballot Date
- PutDesiredBallotDateHere