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ITS Concall Minutes 20120131

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ITS Teleconference - January 31, 2012

Present: Paul Knapp, (PK), Andy Stechishin (AS), Brian Pech (BP), Dale Nelson (DN), Yunwei Wang (YW)

Chair: PK

Scribe: AS


  1. Role call and agenda
  2. Approve Minutes of previous meeting August 23 and December 13
  3. Approve Minutes of San Antonio WGM
  4. Action Item Update
    • Datatypes 1.1: reconciliation package is posted
    • Structures and Guides 1.1
      • Last action: Reconciliation scheduled for San Antonio WGM
    • Web Services
      • Last action: Vassil Peytchev has not reported if he can assist with Web Services
    • InM Abstract Transports
      • Last action: dependant on Wrappers, will park until January. If Wrappers produces, will pick up again. If Wrappers is much longer/larger or stalled, the portion of the Abstract will be sectioned off.
    • R2B schemas
    • Wiki page update:
      • Last action: AS reported Yunwei Wang will assist
  5. Co-Chair elections
  6. Review of Product Briefs
  7. Next Meeting
  8. Adjourn

Called to order at 4:04 pm Eastern

Previous Minutes

August 23, 2011

Not prepared yet - attempted to recall business discussed

December 13, 2011

Not prepared yet

Approval of Minutes from San Antonio WGM

Motion: Approve WGM minutes as posted AS/DN 4-0-0

Note Paul Knapp was re-elected as a co-chair of ITS during the San Antonio WGM

Action Items

  • Datatypes 1.1: reconciliation package is posted
    • Withdrawal of negatives has been requested from the appropriate balloters - January 31, 2012
  • Structures and Guides 1.1
    • Structures has been reconciled and requested withdrawals - January 31, 2012
    • Guides is informative and PK will investigate next action - January 31, 2012
  • Web Services
    • Last action: Vassil Peytchev has not reported if he can assist with Web Services (in San Diego) - no update
  • InM Abstract Transports
    • Last action: dependant on Wrappers, will park until January. If Wrappers produces, will pick up again. If Wrappers is much longer/larger or stalled, the portion of the Abstract will be sectioned off.
    • Separate calls will be scheduled to move this forward - January 31, 2012
  • R2B schemas
    • PK met with principles and they believe this can be moved forward.
  • Wiki page update:
    • Last action: AS reported Yunwei Wang will assist

Short discussion on FHIR

There was a discussion on whether FHIR resources are mapped to the RIM

Co-Chair elections

AS position is up for election in May, AS announced an intention to stand for re-election.

Review of Product Briefs

Needs to be scheduled on upcoming call

Additional Work Group Metrics

A brief discussion on the proposed additional quality measure of the Work Group Summary report.

Future Calls

  • Next call Feb 7
    • Agenda recirculation ballots, and old ballot
    • Wiki page update


Call finished 4:57 Eastern